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00:00 / 06:50

Mr. Mellifluous and the Allies of The Sun




   Suddenly Claire and Mr. Mellifluous encounter a boy who spreads his arms wide in joy as he rides on his white horse.
  "Why is that boy so happy?" Claire asks.
  "The age of the person is not important," Mr. Mellifluous replies. "This Path reveals the conscious mind aware of the super-conscious higher self, which in the Tarot Realms is symbolized by the Sun. On several key paths, as you move higher on the Tree of Life, you go deeper into the subconscious mind to experience higher awareness. You descend in order to ascend because the higher self is driven into the subconscious mind by social conditioning and the demands of the physical world. When the higher self rises from the subconscious mind, the conscious mind is illuminated. The emergence of the higher self might seem sudden but is more often the result of a long process of spiritual growth.
  "Mysticism begins in the humble manger, not on the mount. The higher self emerges after the inner light illuminates one spiritual symbol after another and wise voices clarify spiritual principles, usually in a few words. Understanding grows with each illumination until we merge with the light of the Sun, which is the key symbol on a higher path on the Tree of Life known as Beauty, the central path of sacrifice and harmonizing love associated with the Christ-force. The Christ, in other words, is not a person who existed long ago but a powerful cosmic force that each person in every age can manifest. This awareness of the higher self, in other words, begins on the 30th path. which is a path of conscious awakening, and culminates in the powerful illumination of the sixth Emanation, known as Tiphareth in Hebrew, which represents the 'beauty' and balance of sacrifice and harmonizing love.
  “On this, the 30th path, the child on horse back suggests a rebirth, an awakening into higher consciousness after the process of purification, which began on the previous path, the 31st path known as 'Judgement.' On this path, after the purification process, the sunflowers are turned away from the sun toward the child as if the life-force is magically responding to the emergence of higher awareness. The horse suggests the potent energy of the life-force, and its whiteness reveals not only the release of negativity and purity but the unity of the primary colors combined as white light, symbolizing the underlying unity of all consciousness.
  “Purification leads to revelation. After you mentally cleanse your energy field, you can hear with the inner ear and see with the inner eye and intuit what is true, even if there is no physical evidence to support that knowledge. At times, you might feel yourself to be a source of that archetypal light, transcending all the bounds of what you once believed you were. There is, however, a danger of exalting the self above everything else, instead of focusing on the underlying unity of all consciousness and compassion for all life. The negative pole of this energy is pride, a selfishness that interferes with knowing the oneness of all Creation--the fields upon fields of energy from One Source. Be as quiet as a sunflower or an ibis and you can have the true vision and hear the true voice of exultation.”





Eight of Pentacles: Sun in Virgo





   Claire and Mr. Mellifluous soon encounter a craftsman on a city street. Claire quietly approaches him. "I love your golden pentacles! Why are you making them? I mean, if you don't mind me asking, are you making them for anyone in particular?" Claire asks.
  "I am crafting pentacles that manifest powerful cosmic energies of harmony. People may not even realize that the pentacles are affecting them, but in their soul they feel the harmony of the elements, the planets, the zodiac, and the gold of the Sun, source of all life here on earth. Deep inside they sense that they are part of a vast, divine fabric of interconnected energies. The golden pentacles make the kingdom more harmonious, so every day I craft pentacles for the King."
  "Thank you, kind sir. Thank you for your lovely work."
  "You are welcome, child. Thank you, young lady, for your appreciation!" The craftsman smiles.





















Four of Pentacles: Sun in Capricorn





   As they continue on their way, Claire and Mr. Mellifluous encounter a King.
  Claire approaches him and says politely, "Good day, your Majesty."
  "Well, hello, child. What can I do for you?"
  "We just spoke with the craftsman who is making the golden pentacles for your kingdom. Can you tell us why there is a pentacle at your crown and one under each foot, and why you are grasping one tightly at your chest, your Majesty?"
  "To be a good ruler of my kingdom, I must bring the harmonious energies of the cosmos down through my divine core at my crown and then down into my heart and then manifest them in my domain. That way I maintain a harmonious kingdom. Each pentacle reveals the incorruptible gold of the spirit within eternity. Therefore, as I touch them, I see from the perspective of eternity and can make wise choices. That is why I have ordered the craftsman to make golden pentacles for every person in town so that they know their incorruptible spirit and feel their connection to each other and the community of all life."
  "That is extremely wise, your Majesty," Claire replies. "Thank you for sharing your wisdom."
  The King nods. "You are welcome, dear child!"




















The Disputer





   "Be careful, a troll is nearby," Mr. Mellifluous whispers. "The troll, also known as a disputer, manifests the unbalanced energies of the Sun. He exalts the self above everything and everyone else. If you don't agree with him, he will curse you and might even try to harm you. He manifests a kind of pride that has been a source of terrible misery the world over throughout the history of humanity. If you don't bow down to the troll and pretend that he is better than you and everyone else, he will attempt to hurt you in some way, and believe me, he will usually keep trying. You can tell him until you are blue in the face that he is one small part of the vast community of all life, but he will not listen. He will not open his heart or examine his beliefs. We must hurry on our way now to find more allies of the Sun."




















Six of Cups: Sun in Scorpio





   As Claire and Mr. Mellifluous approach the gates of the castle, they watch as one person gives a flower to another.
  Mr. Mellifluous smiles. "This is an act of kindness that the troll will probably never know," Mr. M claims, "since it reveals the openness of the heart."
  "And the flower is white, which symbolizes unity, right, Mr. M?" Claire asks.
  "Yes, indeed. Very good. They obviously have a sense that we are all connected, that we are part of all the beauty under the Sun and can share that harmony with each other. They give it away instead of trying to take it away, like a troll would do."
  "I'm so glad, Mr. M, that we aren't near that nasty troll anymore!" Claire exclaims.
  "Me too, dear child. Me too."





















Ten of Swords: Sun in Gemini





   Claire and Mr. Mellifluous leave the city and end up on the shore, where they find a man, face down, killed by ten swords.
  "This is horrible!" Claire exclaims. "I hope trolls didn't get him."
  "I wouldn't doubt it, my dear child. Notice the fingers on his right hand even in death forming the sign of blessing. He was obviously targeted by a group, possibly even a mob. As the Sun, symbol of the higher self, peeks through the clouds, I can't help but get the sense that he has sacrificed his life for a higher cause, a higher good. Trolls often form a kind of herd mentality, and they often target people who protest against their tyranny, bigotry, cruelty, destructiveness, and pride. Transmuting negative energy into harmony often requires great sacrifice. People must sometimes even sacrifice their life to create balance and harmony for the highest possible good, which requires great compassion and love for the community of all life."
  "We must honor him!" Claire cries out.
  "Yes," Mr. M replies.




















Three of Wands: Sun in Aries

(Click on the Man Above to go to Fantasy Land)





   As Mr. Mellifluous and Claire continue along the shore, they find a man on a hill staring off into the distance. The man is so quiet that Claire hesitates to disturb him.
  "Is this man on some kind of adventure?" Claire whispers.
  "I would venture to guess that he is experiencing a rebirth, or a beginning of some sort. The sun is shining brightly, and he is gazing off into the distance as though about to make a fresh start. All of nature feels pristine once again, as if we are at the beginning of spring or even the beginning of the world. It feels like a time of the awakening of the higher self, a time when we see the big picture clearly, and we don't even need to go anywhere to know our connection with the community of all life."
  "Yes, that's the way I am feeling too. I won't bother him then," Claire whispers.
  "Don't worry, child, you don't ever bother anybody," Mr. M laughs.





















The Lovers: Gemini

(Click on the Archangel to go to the Tarot Realms Store Page.)





   As Claire and Mr. M continue on their journey, they both suddenly feel that they have entered paradise. An angel hovers above an Empress and an Emperor, and a profound peace prevails through all the cycles of nature, spring and summer and fall and winter all seeming to be present at once.
  Mr. M's face brightens. "This is the great Archangel Raphael, Healer of God, who is associated with The Sun, welcoming us back into Eden. We know the light of the higher self, the light of the Source, the underlying unity of all consciousness. We remain open to cosmic energies and feel compassion for all life through all the cycles of nature and human life. Right here, right now, we are one with creation."
  "Yes, I feel that!" Claire exclaims.
  Suddenly the Archangel speaks: "If you are ever threatened by negative energies, you can call on me to heal them, and you can call on the great Archangel Michael to cleanse them with divine, holy Fire. You can call on great Archangel Gabriel to cleanse them with divine, holy Water; you might have already experienced how she can burn away negativity with Fire so that you can peer into the deep waters of the soul. And you can call upon great Archangel Auriel to fill them with divine love and harmony and light and wholeness and forgiveness and peace and abundance and joy. We are always here for you, child, if you need us to heal you or cleanse you or fill you with divine love and harmony."
  Speechless for a moment, Claire finally exclaims, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"






All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

Four of Pentacles: Sun in Capricorn, Jupiter in Mercy
00:00 / 06:02

Lord of Earthly Power








   The King of Pentacles had ordered Nathan to travel on a mission to see how a neighboring township was faring. Soon, Nathan came to the edge of the forest. He followed a distinct path, which became fainter and fainter as he pressed on through the woods. Soon he encountered wild beasts, a feral pig and a bobcat and a bear, all of whom skulked away when they noticed him, and he sensed that he was entering the dark heart of the wilderness. In a spot where the path seemed to vanish, several bandits ambushed him, but he fought them off valiantly, and they skulked away into the dense underbrush. Nathan continued in the direction of the path that he had taken, but in the dark forest, Nathan felt like many eyes were following him, beast or human he wasn't sure. Nathan often felt a kinship with the forest, one with the grasses and flowers and trees and rocks, but after the bandits attacked him, he felt uneasy and his senses remained on high alert. Soon, Nathan found the path again, which led him to the other side of the forest. Beyond a lush meadow a castle was looming above the surrounding town, and he headed in that direction at a gallop.






















King of Pentacles







   Inside the castle gates, Nathan came upon a King with a pentacle in his crown and two under his feet, and he held a fourth near his heart. At first, the King appeared miserly, but Nathan decided to withhold judgment. Nathan dismounted and bowed before the King. "I am a knight of the Tarot Realm. I serve thee always, great King."
  The great ruler responded, "Yes, courageous knight, what brings you here?"
  "The King of Pentacles sent me here to ask how this part of the realm has fared during the invasion and to offer any aid that I can provide if you need it," Nathan replied.
  "Tell the King of Pentacles that we have fought off the invaders, and the realm is returning back to normal. Some of the invaders escaped into the forest and remain there as bandits. Did you happen to encounter any of them?"
  "Yes, your Highness. I fought several of them off, and they vanished into the forest. They were in the part of the wilderness where the trail is hard to follow."
  "In the wildest part, just as I suspected. Thank you, brave knight, I will send some of my soldiers to deal with them so that you can safely find your way back home."
  "Thank you, your Majesty. I could not help but notice your four golden pentacles. If I am not intruding too much, can I ask a few questions about them? I find them emblamatic of your reign, but I am not sure quite how."
  "Yes, my devoted knight, I have time for a few questions. Go ahead."
  "Thank you, your Majesty. I am originally from another realm where most people are not aware of subtle influences, but here in the Tarot Realm, I make an effort to experience them and understand them. I know pentacles are associated with the Earth signs, Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. I am feeling powerful life forces right now. Is Capricorn a subtle here, by any chance?"
  "Why, yes, indeed, very perceptive. Please, go on."
  "II know the mythological principle associated with Capricorn is 'Meeting with the Powers of Life.' I feel great earthly power here, your Highness, due in part, I think, to your golden pentacles. I feel the subtle elements of Earth, Aether, Air, Water, and Fire manifesting in your realm, but I also especially sense that you are channeling The Sun through your crown, down through your heart and into your feet, and in that way, you are directing a great power into the realm, a power associated with 'Awakening the Mind.'"
  "Yes, you are very astute. The pentacles help heighten my awareness, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, so that I can make effective decisions for the highest good of the Kingdom. That way I can manifest the light of The Sun in a harmonious and productive way. My people know that my decisions and actions are based on selfless sacrifice and harmonizing love, and they tend to follow my example."
  "Do the four pentacles symbolize the fourth holy Emanation on the Tree of Life known as Mercy, your Highness? I also sense the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of Jupiter."
  "Yes, my people sense the influence of Jupiter here and tend to value order and harmony to maintain abundance for the good of all. My people know that each person is essentially a magnificent spiritual being. You are indeed extemely insightful, my friend. Please, join us at the banquet tonight! Tomorrow, you can carry your message to the King of Pentacles and thank him for his help."


































The Sun





   Nathan replied, "Someday, I hope to channel positive subtle influences into my realm like you do. Thank you, my King, I serve thee always. I look forward to joining you at the banquet this evening!"



















The Devil: Capricorn





   Nathan bowed and thanked the King and found a room in the castle where he could perform a ritual. Nathan chose the Four of Pentacles as his central card, which is also remarkably similar to what he had just experienced, a card that represents The Sun in Capricorn and Jupiter in Mercy, the fourth Emanation on the Tree of Life. Nathan chose The Devil, which represents Capricorn, as one modifying card. Nathan always felt a little uneasy when using this card, but he knew that Capricorn represents "Meeting with the Powers of Life" and that he needed to look beneath appearances to experience and understand the powerful life forces around him, recognizing that they might seem terrifying and out of his control at times--and not be too hasty to judge whether something or someone is good or bad. Nathan chose The Sun as the second modifier because the The Sun represents the "Awakening of the Mind," both intellectually and spiritually, and is a magical symbol in the sixth holy Emanation of selfless sacrifice and harmonizing love. Then Nathan chose The Wheel of Fortune, which is associated with Jupiter and the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the human spirit.















Foundation Cards with the Four of Pentacles





   Since Earth is a passive element, Nathan used the Passive Invoking Pentagram while laying down the foundation cards, the Aces and Judgement, starting in the lower left corner of the pentagram, moving to the upper right corner and continuing from there. After he placed all of the cards, he tapped each card in the direction of the Passive Invoking Pentagram, making sure to tap the one in the lower left corner to complete the pentagram.



















Invoking Spirit Pentagram





   Then he placed the Four of Pentacles in the middle of the pentagram and tapped the card, saying, "The Four of Pentacles, Lord of Earthly Power, The Sun in Capricorn, Jupiter in Mercy." Then he placed the modifiers on the Ace of Pentacles, first The Devil, then The Sun, then the Wheel of Fortune, in the lower left hand corner of the pentagram, the position that represents the element of Earth. The image of The Devil still disturbed him, but he knew that he had to look with his third eye to the spiritual dimension to know that The Devil represents all the subtle powers of life, some light and some dark, some forces that are out of the control of human beings and sometimes quite horrific, but Nathan was suddenly amazed at how the subtle life forces tend to manifest as order, harmony, and abundance. Nathan realized that Capricorn and Jupiter are both inextricably part of the same Universal Life Force. Without profound darkness, we cannot truly know the need for sacrifice through harmonizing love or the essential magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the human spirit. That is why, Nathan realized, the path of The Devil leads from Splendor, the Emanation associated with Mercury, to the sixth Emanation of sacrifice and harmonizing love associated with The Sun.















​​Modifiers for the Four of Pentacles: The Devil (Capricorn), The Sun, and The Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter)

(Click on the Pentagram Above to go to the Tarot Realms Store Page.)





   As he placed The Devil on the Ace of Pentacles, he said while tapping the card, "The Devil, Capricorn, the 'Meeting with the Powers of Life.'"
  As he placed The Sun on The Devil, he said while tapping the card, "The Sun, the 'Awakening of the Mind.'"
  As he placed the Wheel of Fortune on The Sun, he said while tapping the card, "The Wheel of Fortune, Jupiter, 'Aspiration.'"



















Pentagram for the Element of Earth

(Click on the Star Above to Review the LBRP and the SIRP.)





   Then he drew the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram and the spirit wheel in the air in brilliant white above The Magician on the altar, charging the pentagram and the spirit wheel in the usual way with the Sign of the Enterer. After that, he drew an Invoking Pentagram for Earth directly over the Passive Invoking Pentagram, charging the pentagram and the symbol of Taurus in the usual way. At that point, he imagined the symbol of the bull's head becoming the living image of the king in the Four of Pentacles. Then he imagined gnomes flowing from the Archangel Auriel and filling the living image while at the same time the bright points of the Earth element flowed from his aura and filled the living image as well.
  Then he said, "Great Lord of Earthly Power, I aspire now to awaken my mind and spirit to experience the life forces and manifest the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the human spirit as well as the energies of the Tree of Life in an ideal way for the highest possible good of the realm."
  Then he stated, "Perform this task until I have succeeded in mastering this ability, doing no harm. So mote it be!"
  He imagined for a few minutes the living image of the king in the Four of Pentacles awakening him with the powerful ideal energies of the Tree of Life and the ability to manifest them in the realm for the highest possible good. He, of course, performed the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram before he completed the ritual.
  Afterwards, Nathan felt like he was effectively manifesting the life forces, especially those associated with The Sun and Jupiter, for greater harmony and balance in himself and in the realm.





All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

The Moon: Pisces, Path 29

00:00 / 04:58

Mr. Mellifluous and the Allies of Pisces




   "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Mr. Mellifluous asks Claire. "I only ask because some experience this place as a realm of illusion and mystery."
  "I see a crawdad crawling out of the water onto a path that leads between two towers in the distance, and a dog and a jackal near the path howling at the moon," Claire replies.
  "Yes, that is what I'm seeing as well. You might also be feeling a considerable pull from the moon, as if it were a magnet drawing your soul to it, especially because the sun is directly behind it. Even our most primal instincts are pulled toward higher frequencies as the powerful energies of the life-force call us to evolve. Our instincts attract us to Venus, the Goddess of love and arts and nature. At the beginning we howl, but then through love and the arts and nature we move into the sublime. The beauty that is latent within us, like the trumpet call of Gabriel in 'Judgement,' wakes us up from the sleep of the lower self.
  "The towers are like the columns of the Tree of Life, and the path winds toward the hill of attainment, toward The Sun behind The Moon, toward Beauty, the sixth Emanation on the Tree of Life, the center of harmony and equilibrium. Rays of energy in the shape of the Hebrew letter 'Yod' fall all around, filling us with the powerful energies of the life force. Even the most primitive instincts are cleansed as we climb out of the dark waters of our evolution. Through purification we are free of the blackest energies of our history. We face our shadow and achieve the Victory of living in the higher self within the One manifesting as the Many.
  "This path, known as 'The Moon' but representing Pisces, connects the Kingdom, 'Malkuth' in Hebrew, the plane of physical manifestation, with Victory, 'Netzach' in Hebrew, and the forces of Venus. Anubis is also a strong presence here; he is particularly important in the lower paths because he is the great shaman who guides us not only through the underworld but also through the subconscious, the lower astral plane, to higher consciousness. The lower levels of the subconscious are filled with negative emotions and foul thought-forms and the terrors embedded in ourselves and our collective unconscious. Anubis can guide us beyond the horrors and miseries of our history to the higher realms. The fearful and foul aspects of the collective unconscious can be terrible impediments to the spiritual journey, so it's beneficial to invoke the higher vibrations of the God Anubis and the Goddess of the Moon as you mentally cleanse your energy field.
  "The jackal is associated with Anubis because the jackal can easily sense its way through the darkness. Whatever the Source creates is divine, including our primal instincts, but since humanity, given free will, has chosen repeatedly to channel foul and fearful energies into both individual and collective consciousness, we have to cleanse and spiritualize the instincts in our energy fields to bring them back into harmony with creation." Mr. M pauses for a moment, "Let us now visit the allies of Pisces in the Tarot Realm...."







Eight of Cups: Saturn in Pisces





   Suddenly Mr. M speaks: "Memory and imagination sometimes can be as real as anything in the physical realm. For instance, close your eyes and try to remember the person on the seashore who is beginning an ascent to higher consciousness. Your ability to imagine is associated with the subconscious and the Moon. The more vivid your imagination, the more effectively you create your own reality. As the Sun shines fully on the Moon, your higher self feels the harmony of the fields upon fields of energy within creation, and through your imagination, you ascend toward greater harmony in your own life."




















Nine of Cups: Jupiter in Pisces





   As Claire and Mr. M continue on their way, they encounter a stout fellow sitting in front of a table laden with nine golden cups.
  "This fellow seems pretty satisfied with himself," Claire whispers.
  "He might seem like a smug pleasure-seeker, perhaps a hedonist or a connoisseur, but he is influenced by the energies of Jupiter in Pisces," Mr. M replies. "He is experiencing the magnificence of the human spirit at a feast that contains the highest and most profound thoughts and feelings and creative imaginings of humanity--a feast for the mind. He has opened up an awareness of his higher self through everything associated with the imagination, including music and art and literature. The golden cups might make him appear wealthy, but he is, more than anything, experiencing the richness of the imagination. Because of abundant inner life, he appreciates the beauty that reflects the harmony, abundance, and magnificence of the spirit, both in the unique individual creations of human beings and in natural phenomena. Because of his experience with the splendor created by other people and the splendor manifested in the natural world, he also knows the 'Beauty' within himself. The nine cups reveal that our friend is associated with The Foundation, the ninth Emanation of the Tree of Life. It is important to remember that The Foundation is associated with The Moon and the Holy Ghost, who presents symbols that represent spiritual principle to those who can see into the spiritual dimensions, and those symbols in the imagination often seem more real than the temporal world. From the Foundation, we rise toward The Sun, the Emanation of Beauty and The Sun, which is also associated with the Son of the Holy Trinity. We experience the unity underlying all of creation as we rise above Beauty toward the Source, on the path of The High Priestess, which is also associated with The Moon. As you can see, the Tree of Life is a matrix that contains profound symbolic associations."





















Ten of Cups: Mars in Pisces

(Click on the Rainbow to go to the Tarot Realms Store Page.)





   As Claire and Mr. M continue on their way, they encounter a family under a rainbow containing only three colors, which somehow holds ten golden cups.
  "It looks like these people are using their imagination to create a happy home," Claire remarks. "Would you agree, Mr. M?"
  "Yes, and they manifest the energies of Mars to burn away whatever does not serve them, which frees the imagination of negativity," Mr. Mellifluous replies. "They also dance with hearts free of negativity. They know the happiness that is experienced in a stable, loving family. They are open to the cosmic energies associated with the elements, and they know that the elements nurture and support them. Notice the rainbow with only three colors. Yellow symbolizes the element of Air, blue Water, and red Fire. And the physical world is associated with Earth. Remember that the energies of the zodiac, ruled by the powerful energies of the planets, are also associated with the elements. In other words, this family is open to the archetypal cosmic energies of the Tree of Life, and with their imagination and the great discipline and focus of Mars, they have achieved happiness, a kind of perfected success."






All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

Two of Swords: Moon in Libra
00:00 / 05:14









   As Nathan was riding at night through the Tarot Realm, he noticed a blindfolded woman near the ocean crossing two long swords across her chest as the moon was rising behind her. For some reason, as Nathan gazed upon her, he felt a great longing to return home to the realm from which he came, even though he had heard that turmoil and divisiveness were roiling across the land. The moon and water expressed widespread flux and inevitable change, but the woman showed such inner balance amidst the unrest and fluidity that Nathan wondered for a moment if he could maintain such inner balance in a realm full of so much hatred and disorder. He knew that it would take great concentration and discipline in a land so plagued by poverty and disease and inequality to have any positive impact at all. He wondered if he, like the woman, would need to wear a blindfold to avoid seeing the negativity in the country around him. He sighed and continued riding through the realm, hoping to find the King or Queen of Swords.







Queen of Swords





   In the morning, Nathan finally came upon the Queen of Swords. Nathan dismounted and bowed as he approached the Queen. "I serve thee always, my Queen, but I have a question."
  The Queen gazed at him. "Yes, my devoted knight. What is your query?"
  Nathan carefully described the woman holding the two swords in perfect balance near the ocean. Then he stated, "I confess that when I looked upon her I had an overwhelming desire to return to the realm from which I came. I was hoping that you might help me understand why. You see, I have learned so much here in this realm that I hesitate to leave it even though as a knight I might provide aid and comfort to a few people drowning in divisiveness and disillusionment."
  Holding her sword straight up and down, the Queen responded, "Yes, my brave knight, I have had the feeling that you might want to return to your homeland to strive for positive change in such a troubled realm. I know the woman you speak about. She is one of the people who maintains harmony and balance in the spiritual dimension in this realm. What subtle forces are influencing her, do you think?"
  Nathan thought for a moment. "The ocean and the moon were directly behind her. I couldn't help but be aware of the phases of the moon and notice the constant flux of the water."
  "Do you understand the significance of the Moon in her situation?"
  "I am not sure, your Majesty. I know that the High Priestess, who is associated with The Moon, represents a deep understanding of the paths on the Tree of Life and embodies the mythological principle of 'The Descent of the Divine.' Despite all of the changes in the world, both good and bad, perhaps the woman is like the High Priestess, able to maintain inner harmony and balance by connecting with the positive subtle forces in the dimensions of Universal Consciousness. The woman was not sitting on a throne, like the High Priestess, however. She seemed completely alone and unacknowledgedd. With her blindfold on, she seemed anonymous."
  "A few people in this realm have purified themselves, and they have dedicated themselves to maintaining spiritual harmony, but of course they usually receive no recognition. They have chosen to withdraw from worldly matters because they have a deep understanding of the need for sacrifice. There is a personal cost to maintaining balance and harmony in any realm."
  "Yes, your Majesty, I understand, I think. How is she able to maintain such inner balance? I am afraid that I would not be able to do so in such a tumultuous realm as the one I might return to."
  "Do you think that there might be another subtle influence that is motivating her?"
  "Well, your Highness, I think there must be. Perhaps only a person who has experienced a great deal of disorder and lawlessness would undertake such a task."
  "Yes, I believe that is true. What, my dear knight, is the mythological principle associated with Libra?"
  Nathan thought for a moment. "If I am not mistaken, your Highness, it is 'The Justice of Heaven.' I see now, I think. The experience of 'The Descent of the Divine' can inspire a person to strive for 'The Justice of Heaven.' Thank you for your deep understanding, your Highness. You have helped me to clarify my feelings, which I deeply appreciate."
  "You are welcome, my dear knight, and may the wind be always at your back, no matter which path you choose."


















Justice: Libra (AI Version)




   The holy man in the castle had once told Nathan that when dealing with a Tarot card associated with the second Emanation on the Tree of Life known as Wisdom, only two modifiers can be used because no single Tarot card represents only the zodiac. Knowing that the Two of Swords has a Tree of Life correspondence of the Zodiac in Wisdom, Nathan chose the Two of Swords, a card that was hauntingly similar to the woman holding the swords by the sea. The two modifiers associated with the decan of the Two of Swords are Justice, representing Libra, and The High Priestess, representing The Moon. The holy man had once confided that two modifiers can have great power in a Tarot Pentagram Spread if you concentrate on the mythological principle in each card.


















The High Priestess: The Moon




   Nathan first identified the decan associated with the Two of Swords: Justice (Libra) and The High Priestess (The Moon), Justice representing the spiritual principle of "The Justice of Heaven," and The Moon representing the "The Descent of the Divine."
  Nathan got ready to create an artificial elemental of the Two of Swords with the Tarot Pentagram Spread. First, since Air is an active element, he used the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram while laying down the foundation cards, starting in the lower right corner of the pentagram, moving to the upper left corner and continuing from there.









The Passive and Active Invoking Pentagrams




   After he placed all of the foundation cards, he tapped each card in the direction of the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram, making sure to tap the one in the position of Fire in the lower right corner to complete the pentagram.













Foundation Cards with The Star


   Then he placed the Two of Swords in the middle of the pentagram, saying, "The Two of Swords, Lord of Peace Restored, The Moon in Libra, the Zodiac in Wisdom," and tapped the card. Next, he included the two modifiers on the Ace of Swords: Justice, representing Libra, and The High Priestess, representing The Moon.















Modifiers with The Two of Swords: Justice and The High Priestess




   As he placed the first modifier on the Ace of Swords, he said, "Justice, Libra, 'The Justice of Heaven.'" Then he tapped the card. As he placed the second modifier on Justice, he said, "The High Priestess, The Moon, 'The Descent of the Divine.'" Then he tapped the card.


















Pentagram for Spirit

(Click on the Star Above to go to the Tarot Realms Store Page.)




   Then Nathan drew the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram and the spirit wheel in brilliant white above the Two of Swords on the altar, charging the pentagram and the symbol in the usual way with the Sign of the Enterer.


















Invoking Pentagram for Air

(Click on the Star Above to Review the LBRP and the SIRP.)





   After that, he drew an Invoking Pentagram for Air directly over the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram, charging the pentagram and the symbol of Aquarius in the usual way. At that point, he imagined the symbol of Aquarius becoming the living image of the figure in the Two of Swords, and she came alive as a full-length figure. As Nathan visualized the living image, he imagined that sylphs flowed from the Archangel Raphael and filled the living image while at the same time tiny points of winged light flowed from his own aura and filled the living image as well.
  After gazing at the cards for a moment, he stated, "Lady of Peace Restored, motivate me through the descent of the divine to strive for the justice of heaven for the highest possible good of the realm." Then, he finished with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
  From that point on, Nathan often unexpectedly felt the descent of the divine and experienced the motivation to strive for inner balance, and he knew that he could return to the realm from which he came.





All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

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