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00:00 / 03:40

   While Mommy and Daddy were having a "discussion" in the kitchen, Claire turned into a fairy and chased her kitty into the back yard. Then she heard music drifting to her from some far-away land. Suddenly a swallowtail appeared in front of her and fluttered just out of her reach. It was so bright that Claire tried to grab it right out of the air, but it flitted away. As Claire was chasing the swallowtail, she tripped over her kitty and plunged headlong to the ground.
  After a moment, Claire slowly sat up and shook her head. The swallowtail was gone. She stumbled over to the fence and pushed as hard as she could. A board swung loose, and Claire squeezed through. She glimpsed the swallowtail in the meadow and dashed after it.


















                                                                                               Mr. Mellifluous






   Around the same time, unaware of the little girl galloping through the meadow, Nathan was wandering through the nearby forest, and suddenly he came upon swallowtail butterflies flitting from tiger lilies to columbine to blue larkspur.




















                                                                                          Fairies in the Flowers






   Then, unable to believe his eyes, he suddenly became certain that a few of them were not butterflies but fairies with swallowtail wings. As someone who had dismissed fairies as the products of a fevered brain, Nathan was startled and fascinated, so he dashed after them, but they fluttered away, and after awhile he came upon a tiny man in a brown, cone-shaped hat.
  "Who, who, are you?" Nathan stuttered.
  "I am Mr. Mellifluous," the small man shouted. "And you, you must be an owl."
  "No, my name is Nathan!" he blurted out, shaking his head.
  "Are you shaking your head because you are not really Nathan, or because you don't believe that I exist?"
  "I, I, I don't know," Nathan retorted in disbelief, frowning.
  "Obviously, you don't know very much," Mr. Mellifluous scolded, "and that's probably why you are trespassing on my land."
  "Nobody told me that this land belongs to you, and I didn't see any 'No Trespassing signs,'" Nathan objected.
  "Nobody obviously doesn't know anything either," Mr. Mellifluous replied. "Nevertheless, you are here, and you must now make a choice. I strongly recommend that you leave. If you do not turn back, you will meet monsters and have adventures with magical creatures and strange people and godlike beings. Since you are a big-like human, I doubt that you would want that!"
  Suddenly, Nathan noticed a little girl standing a few feet away, staring quietly at Mr. Mellifluous. Noticing that Nathan had shifted his attention, the small man turned and noticed the girl. "What is your name, child?" the little man squeaked at her.
  "Claire," she replied. "What is your name, kind sir?"
  "I am Mr. Mellifluous. Nice to meet you, Claire," he smiled. "It's refreshing nowadays to encounter a human with manners. You certainly don't find that kind of civility exhibited by the bigger ones much anymore." He gazed in Nathan's direction.
  Turning back to Claire, he exclaimed, "Dear child, I can hear the music in your heart. Not many human folk make music like that anymore!"
  Mr. Mellifluous continued, "Since you make music with your heart, you shall join the fairy folk!"



















                                                                                      Fairy with Blue Wings






   Suddenly a fairy with blue wings waved a wand over her head. Claire lifted off the ground and discovered that she could fly!



























                                                                                                                   Tiger Fairy






   Then Claire turned into a tiger fairy and roared. She made scary music with her heart. The other fairies screeched and lashed at her with their claws. Mr. Mellifluous muttered, "Oh, dear." He put his hand over his mouth and shook his head. Claire and the other fairies rushed away with the wind.
  "Don't worry. She will be fine here for a while. She is just going to have some fun. You, on the other hand, are a different matter." He looked Nathan straight in the eye. "Every creature in this realm has magical powers and can influence you without your knowledge. They might use their powers to unbalance you or trick you or break you into pieces or steal everything from you or seduce you into doing something evil. These powers might look like people or magical animals, but as a human you will not be able at first to see their true nature: They might be monsters who dwell in shadow or Gods who dwell in light and harmony and abundance.
  "Even if you can tell the difference, you will probably not know how to deal with them. I am warning you! Even though you may learn to manifest the god-like qualities of harmony and magnificence, you will experience many difficult trials along the way. You have music in your heart as well, so perhaps you do belong here after all. Since you have music in your heart, I now dub you 'Knight of the Tarot Realm!' You must go now and find the holy man in the castle. He will reveal many deep mysteries and help you become a great knight, but you must turn back now if you can't answer this simple question in the affirmative: Do you know yourself?"
  Nathan considered Mr. Mellifluous' question. "Do I really know myself?" he silently wondered for a moment. "Of course!" Nathan exclaimed. Mr. Mellifluous guffawed and disappeared into the forest. Nathan struggled through the brush, searching for Mr. Mellifluous. The gnome had vanished, but Nathan hoped to eventually find his way to the castle.




Click here for a free Tarot Reading.


All stories, illustrations, and music copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.





      Six of Cups: Sun in Scorpio
00:00 / 04:14



   After Mr. Mellifluous had disappeared, Nathan wandered alone through the pathless wilderness, but soon he found a bear scratching its back against a tree. The bear then climbed up the tree and knocked down a beehive. The bear suddenly noticed Nathan and began quickly descending the tree. Nathan dashed through the forest until he came to a faint path. He paused for breath, hoping the bear wasn't chasing him. Suddenly, Nathan saw a mountain lion staring at something near the path. Then the wildcat pounced and sauntered away with a squirrel in its teeth. Nathan backed away slowly, hoping the wildcat was entirely focused on its meal. Then Nathan heard the howl of wolves nearby. He galloped away in the opposite direction, away from the path, and eventually came to a clearing where he could see a castle in the far off distance.
  After awhile, Nathan came to the front gate of the castle. As he approached, a small man was giving a golden cup with flowers to a young girl, who was overjoyed at receiving such a gift. After encountering the wild beasts in the forest, Nathan found this loving act of giving and receiving a welcome change.
  As Nathan was entering the castle, the guard at the front gate stopped him. "What is your business here?" the guard inquired.
  Nathan was not quite sure how to respond, so he stammered, "Mr. Mellifluous sent me to serve the King and Queen."
  The guard responded, "You may enter."
  As Nathan entered the castle, a page approached him and said, "I will take you to the King now. We must walk through the castle and down a long flight of stairs to the ocean."























                                                              King of Cups



   The page escorted Nathan down a cliff to the ocean, where they found the King of Cups. Nathan bowed. "How may I serve thee, my King?"
  The King stared at Nathan. "You must be new, my devoted knight. Did Mr. Mellifluous send you?"
  Nathan responded, "Yes, your Majesty."
  "Very well," the King responded. "Ah, yes, I can hear the music in your heart. Mr. Mellifluous always exercises good judgment. We must find you a suit of armor and some pentacles and swords and cups and wands since you are going to serve the Tarot Realm. I will send for the holy man as well, for he can teach you many sacred principles."
  "Thank you, your Majesty. I am always at your service. Your Highness, may I ask you a question?"
  Still balancing his scepter straight up and down, the King smiled and nodded his head.
  "At the front gate of the castle, I noticed a man giving a golden cup and flowers to a young girl. Are people always so loving here at the castle?"
  "Occasionally scalawags and knaves and miscreants find their way into the Tarot Castle, of course, but many people here have learned to live with love and compassion. You obviously have found your way through the wilderness to get here, which only a brave knight would do alone. Many other people have somehow found their way through the wilderness and now, because of their struggles, feel compassion and reverence for other people--even if those people appear to be unlike them. They realize the importance of giving and receiving because this realm is always in flux. Profound and disruptive changes often occur. Most people here provide help because they know that one day they might need to receive help from others. Here, we emphasize reverence and respect for otherness, for the flowers and trees and even the wild beasts in the wilderness. Through harmonizing love and sacrifice, we neutralize the dark forces that make us vulnerable. We revere the sun, the source of all life, and we revere the great web of life created by the sun and the Sun behind the sun, the fields upon fields of interconnected energy in our realm and throughout the cosmos. We respect all of creation and each other. To do otherwise could lead to destruction of the realm. To do otherwise would be irresponsible and insane, for everything is connected."
  Nathan worked with the holy man in the castle for many weeks. One day the holy man showed Nathan how to create a positive living image with The Sun. The holy man had confided that The Sun is one of the best cards in the deck because it reveals the awakening of the mind on two levels: The intellectual level and the spiritual level. The Sun, he said, is associated with Path 30 on the Tree of Life, which connects The Foundation with Splendor, the Emanation of the intellect which is associated with Mercury. The Sun is also associated with the Emanation of Beauty, the spiritual center on the Tree of Life of harmonizing love and sacrifice.



















​                                                           The Sun




   Nathan found a card in his Tarot deck that resembled what he had witnessed in front of the castle, the Six of Cups, a card associated with The Sun in Scorpio. The holy man had told Nathan that Scorpio represents profound transformation and change. Nathan did not want to deal with that in his ritual. Instead he wanted to focus on the awakening of the mind on both the mental and spiritual levels, an awakening that leads to harmonizing love and compassion as well as the understanding of the need for sacrifice to create balance.
  First, he performed the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. Then he performed the first eleven steps of the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram. (See the The Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram in the link below.) Then he got ready to create a living image of the The Sun with the Tarot Pentagram Spread.









​​​​​                                                          Active and Passive Invoking Pentagrams




  Since The Sun is associated with Leo and Fire is an active element, he used the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram while laying down the foundation cards (the four Aces and Judgment), starting in the lower right corner of the pentagram, moving to the upper left corner and continuing from there. After he placed all of the cards, he tapped each card in the direction of the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram, making sure to tap the one in the position of Fire in the lower right corner to complete the pentagram.















                                                      Foundation Cards with The Sun





   Then he placed The Sun in the middle of the pentagram, saying, "The Sun, the awakening of the mind," and tapped the card.

















​                                                                          Pentagram for Spirit




   Then he drew the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram and the spirit wheel in brilliant white above The Sun on the altar, charging the pentagram and the symbol in the usual way with the Sign of the Enterer. After that, he drew an Invoking Pentagram for Fire directly over the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram, charging the pentagram and the symbol with the Sign of the Enterer.



















                                                                  Invoking Pentagram for Fire

                                    (Click on image to review the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram)




   At that point, he imagined the symbol of Leo becoming the living image of The Sun, the young child on the white horse. He imagined the living image moving a few feet south of the altar and coming alive as a powerful force. As he visualized the living image of The Sun, he imagined that salamanders, brilliant points of light, flowed from the Archangel Michael and filled the living image while at the same time tiny points of fiery light emanated from his aura and filled the living image as well.
  He stated, "The Sun, the awakening of the mind."
  Then he said, "Great Sun, awaken my intellect and my spirit for the highest possible good of the realm."
  Then he stated, "Perform this task and then return to the element of Fire, doing no harm." He ended by exclaiming, "So mote it be!" Then he imagined for a few minutes the living image of The Sun engulfing him in light and awakening his mind and spirit.
  He unexpectedly felt the light of The Sun often afterwards, and he sensed that his higher self was always guiding him.


   Nathan finished the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.




Click here for a free Tarot Reading.


All stories, illustrations, and music copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

Ten of Pentacles: Mercury in Virgo
00:00 / 05:34



   As Claire flies above the realm, she spots Mr. Mellifluous below near the city.
  Claire flies down to Mr. Mellifluous and notices an old street magician in a fancy robe sitting near an archway. Suddenly Claire notices ten golden coins floating near the old man.
  "Do you see the golden coins, Mr. M?" Claire exclaims. "I think I've seen that pattern before, but I can't recall what it is!"
  "That is the pattern," mutters Mr. Mellifluous, "of the Tree of Life. The golden disks are pentacles, each of which contains a star that symbolizes the harmony of the subtle elements of Earth, Air, Aether, Water, and Fire."

































Page of Pentacles





   Claire steps closer to the pentacles. Suddenly a young woman with a red headdress steps in front of Claire and gently caresses a golden coin. Claire feels confused and a little angry.
  Mr. Mellifluous smiles, "Don't get upset, my child. That young page is your first ally. Go with her now." Suddenly Claire and the young page are on a hillside near a mountain. The page seems enthralled by the golden pentacle in her hands. Claire has wings, but she didn't know she could fly with her mind in this realm.








































      The Hermit: Virgo





   When Claire first encountered the page, she noticed a mountain far off in the distance. Suddenly both of them are transported to the top of the mountain, where an old man who resembles the street magician is inching along with a lantern in one hand. His robe is now plain gray, and it is difficult to see the old man's face under the hood.
  "Let this lamp guide you, my friends," the old man mumbles. "It contains the powerful energies of the elements and the planets and the zodiac in harmony with each other, all of which are represented on the Tree of Life. These energies will aid you in the process of awakening and regeneration."
  So high on the mountain top, Claire suddenly feels dizzy. The young page touches Claire's arm, trying to steady her. Suddenly Claire is back at the edge of town.







































                                                            The Magician: Mercury






   A magician stands next to a table with a wand, a cup, a sword, and a pentacle on top, performing a magical act. Claire glances at the young woman's headdress and notices that the magician's robe is red as well, as if it symbolizes passion--perhaps, in the magician's case, a passion for the creative act itself, as well as the sacrifice associated with creating and maintaining harmony. Claire also notices that a gray, horizontal figure eight floats above the magician's head. The infinity symbol suddenly impresses Claire with a profound sense of eternity.
  "You have powerful tools to help you in each act of creation," the magician states. "They are the wand, the cup, the sword, and the pentacle, which represent the subtle elements that manifest the spirit of Universal Consciousness within the world." The magician stands in deep concentration, one hand in the air and one pointing to the ground. In the other hand, she holds up a wand with a shape that resembles a flame at each end. The top flame is lit, and as the magician concentrates, suddenly the bottom flame lights up as well.




















​The Liars: The Unbalanced Aspect of Mercury




   Suddenly a strange creature riding on a bear interrupts, "Don't listen to that fool! Her tools and weapons are just for show. She wants to deceive you and delude you into believing that you have a magnificent spirit full of abundance and harmony. She is just trying to con you out of all your coins."
  Hastily, Mr. Mellifluous guides Claire away from the magician. "That creature reveals the unbalanced energies of Mercury, personified in this realm as The Liars. These tricksters live to deceive. They love to falsify and fib and malign. They are phonies who cheat and perjure and con until no one can see the truth. Their goal is to twist and distort until they leave you totally in the dark, deluded and misled. We must continue on our path," Mr. M mutters.





















Toad in Flowers
(Click on the Frog to go to the Tarot Realms Store Page.)



   Claire flies high into the air. She gazes down and spirals toward the earth, where she discovers a toad squatting in the flowers. Whenever it croaks, a golden equal-armed cross floats out of its mouth.
  "Is the music in my heart alarming you?" Claire asks.
  "Not at all? Should it?" The toad answers.
  Claire watches the toad. "Why did that golden balanced cross just float out of your mouth?" she inquires politely.
  "Because I am making harmonious music with my heart," it croaks as another golden cross floats out of its mouth. "Do they scare you? You can kiss me if that would make you feel better."
  Another cross floats out of the toad's mouth in time with Claire's music, but they are both making different songs.
  "I'm sure you make beautiful music too," Claire laughs. "But I can't hear it." She flies off, hoping to find a friend who can sing along with her music.








All stories, illustrations, and music copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

     Eight of Swords: Jupiter in Gemini, Mercury in Splendor (Hod)
00:00 / 05:00





   As Nathan was riding his horse along a cliff one day, he noticed in the distance a woman imprisoned by swords at the edge of the sea. As a knight, Nathan felt compelled to rush to the woman's aid, but he could not find a way down the cliffside on his horse. Finally, Nathan dismounted, tied the horse's reins to a tree, and searched for a way down. When he got near to the woman imprisoned by the swords, he decided he should step out into the water and gently guide her to shore.






The Hinderers





   Suddenly a boy on a dragon appeared, who shouted, "If you want to free her, you will have to fight me and my dragon first!" Nathan assessed the situation and decided that he would have a much better chance to fight them on his horse. He looked around and noticed a trail down from the cliff to the ocean.


















​​The Knight of Swords






   Nathan rushed back up the cliff, mounted his horse, drew his sword, and charged down the hill toward the boy and his dragon.
  The dragon flew out of reach and circled around the imprisoned woman. "So you think you're a knight!" the boy laughed. "My dragon will kill her if you try to fight us!" he yelled.
























The Queen of Cups with Claire






   Nathan didn't want to do anything that might lead to the boy and his dragon harming the woman, so he dismounted from his horse and pondered the situation. Suddenly, he noticed Claire and a woman on a throne far off in the distance. Nathan rode his horse over to them, dismounted, and bowed before the Queen. "How may I serve thee, my Queen?" Nathan asked.
  "You are a courageous knight, but I also sense that you have qualities that are rare in people these days: you have music in your heart, and you can neutralize dark forces to create balance. You have a guardian angel named Atriel, who guides you in your spiritual practices. Sometimes the music in your heart inspires you to rush, sword drawn, into battle on your white horse to save people in distress. You are a fierce warrior, but you also have a magical ability that makes hand to hand combat sometimes unnecessary. I can teach you a sacred ritual that might help you avoid a conflict with that naughty boy and his dragon. He is a very troublesome little trickster who is good at hindering people."
  "I would be greatly honored by any assistance that you might give me, your Highness," Nathan responded.
  The Queen commanded, "Gaze into my magic cup, and you will know what to do. We are all connected through the collective consciousness of humanity and Universal Consciousness."
  Nathan gazed a long time, how long he wasn't sure, but suddenly he knew exactly what he needed to do. He bowed, "I understand now, my Queen. I will serve thee by first attempting with my guardian angel Atriel to neutralize the dark forces possessing my foes. If that doesn't work, I will fight the dragon to the death to free the unfortunate woman imprisoned by the swords."
  The Queen smiled, "Valiant knight, I admire your bravery and determination. I wish you success in your challenging endeavor."























The Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter






   The holy man in the castle had initiated Nathan into the sacred Mysteries, so Nathan knew many of the symbols associated with the mystical Tree of Life, and he also knew a little Hebrew. As he pondered his task, he began to think about the meaning of the name of his guardian angel, Atriel. The Hebrew letter Aleph, which means Ox, he knew, symbolizes the powerful life force within all creation. The second letter Tau means cross, which symbolizes sacrifice. The letter Resh pertains to Tiphareth in the head, and is therefore associated with the Sun, which on the Tree of Life corresponds to the sixth Emanation known in English as "Beauty," the Christ center of sacrifice and harmonizing love. The fourth letter Yod denotes hand, the means of action and the symbol of creative and directive energy, which suggests not only the act of working for harmony and justice but also evokes the seeds of new life held within the fist. The last two letters, EL, which together in Hebrew mean God, are almost always included at the end of the names of Archangels and Angels. Perhaps through his sacrifices as a knight he would come to plant the seeds of new life and fully experience the light of harmonizing love while growing through the challenges of his quest.











Active and Passive Invoking Pentagrams






   So Nathan suppressed his desire to attack the dragon. He imagined the woman imprisoned by swords and realized, possibly thanks to the magic cup, that Jupiter was influencing the woman's struggle in some way. Jupiter reveals the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the human spirit, so he knew that Jupiter's influence might also be the key to her freedom. He knew that first he needed to banish the negative influences, so he imagined the imprisoned woman again and performed the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. (See the description of The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.)
  As he performed the ritual, he suddenly recognized that Mercury was also influencing the situation. Having been initiated by the holy man, Nathan realized that Mercury is Saturn on a lower arc, which revealed to him why the Hinderers, the boy and his dragon, were guarding the woman. Saturn limits force to create and maintain form, and Mercury can contain or limit force on the subtle spiritual, mental, and emotional levels. Nathan realized that the woman might believe that she is trapped even though the swords aren't really imprisoning her. Perhaps people in power who resided in the castle on the cliff had made her believe that she was a prisoner. He began to wonder if people in the castle had placed the hinderers near the woman or if those two had shown up because of her belief in her own imprisonment.







































Six of Wands: Jupiter in Leo




   After Nathan banished the negative influences by performing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, he chose to invoke the "Lord of Victory," the archetype of a great knight, a figure who manifests Jupiter in Leo in the Tarot card known as the Six of Wands.














​Foundation Cards for the Six of Wands





   According to the holy man, the Lord of Victory is also associated with the Sun in the sixth Emanation known as Beauty in the Tree of Life, the center of equilibrium and of harmonizing love and sacrifice. The Queen's magic cup had shown Nathan again how to invoke the sacred archetypes of the mystical Tree of Life, so he was ready to invoke the Lord of Victory. He performed the first eleven steps of the ritual. (See the description of The Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram below.)

















Modifiers for Six of Wands: Strength and Wheel of Fortune

(Click on the Pentagram to Review the LBRP and the SIRP)






   Nathan then placed the Six of Wands on a makeshift altar and stated while tapping the card, "The Six of Wands, Jupiter in Leo." Since Fire is an active element, Nathan used the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram while laying down the Aces--the foundation cards--starting in the lower right corner of the pentagram, moving to the upper left corner and continuing from there in a continuous motion. After he placed all of the cards, he tapped each card in the direction of the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram, making sure to tap the one in the lower right corner to complete the pentagram. Then he laid down the modifiers, Strength (Leo) and The Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter), on the Ace of Wands in the lower right hand corner of the pentagram.
  As Nathan placed the card known as Strength on the Ace of Wands, he stated while tapping the card, "Strength, Leo."
  As he placed The Wheel of Fortune on Strength, he stated while tapping the card, "The Wheel of Fortune, Jupiter."





























​Pentagram for Spirit





   Then he drew the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram and the spirit wheel in the air in brilliant white above the Six of Wands on the altar, charging the pentagram and the spirit wheel with the Sign of the Enterer.



















Invoking Pentagram for Fire






   After that, he drew an Invoking Pentagram for Fire directly over the Invoking Spirit Pentagram, charging the pentagram and the symbol of Leo in the same way. At that point, he imagined the symbol of the lion turning into the living image of the Lord of Victory a few feet south of his altar and coming alive as a full-length figure. Then he imagined salamanders, brilliant points of light, flowing from the Archangel Michael and filling the living image of the great knight while at the same time the bright points of the Fire element flowed from his own aura and also filled the living image.
  He stated loudly, "I name you Lord of Victory."
  Then he said," I humbly ask thee to help me through harmonizing love to neutralize negativity and release the imprisoned woman from her bondage and her limiting beliefs, for the highest possible good."
  "After you have completed your task, great knight, I humbly ask thee to return to the element of Fire, doing no harm."
  "So mote it be!" Nathan imagined the great knight neutralizing the dark forces that were holding the woman captive and then envisioned her becoming free from her bonds.
  In his imagination, he could see the woman without her blindfold, liberated from any negative beliefs she might have experienced.






















Three of Cups: Mercury in Cancer

(Click on a Cup to go to the Tarot Realms Store Page)






   When he had completed his ritual, Nathan returned to the seashore. The Queen of Cups motioned to the former prisoner, who was now dancing with two other women near the shore. Holding a stalk of grapes in one hand, she held up her cup with the other hand in a toast to the Lord of Abundance as she danced. The Queen of Cups smiled. "That troublesome hinderer and his dragon are gone, and the woman is free. You have done well, valiant knight. You may continue now on your quest."






All stories, illustrations, and music copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

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