Mystical Tarot Realms

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The Magician: Mercury
Mr. Mellifluous and the Allies of Mercury
"Wow, Mr. M, that woman is a magician! Can I be a magician too?"
"Of course! This path connects the Crown of all Creation with the Emanation known as Understanding, which is associated with the feminine manifestation of form, so it is fitting on this path for a woman to be the magician on this path. And she is a great magician in control of all the energies within herself, with the knowledge that those energies all emanate from One Source. Like a goddess, The Magician aligns the creative energies so that there is no conflict within herself, bringing the energies down through the planes into manifestation in the Kingdom. Notice that the symbolic flame at the top of her wand is emanating light; in her ritual, she is bringing that light down to the symbolic flame at the bottom of the wand, bringing light into manifestation, in other words. She wears a headband to suggest that there is sweat involved, and her belt is a snake biting its tail to suggest that she operates from the perspective of eternity. Lilies and roses mingle in her garden, suggesting unity of consciousness, purity of intention, passion and beauty. She is an inspired soul who carries on the first, primal creative act within her own domain."
"How did she become such a great magician, Mr. M?
"Legend has it that The Book of Thoth, a book containing powerful spells and wisdom, was hidden in many boxes, the keys to which were spread throughout ancient Egypt, and legend has it that the knowledge of the mysteries in this lost book found their way into the Tarot, which is now sometimes itself referred to as the 'Book of Thoth.' Thoth, the great God of wisdom and magic, as you might recall, is associated with the Greek Hermes and the Roman Mercury, so you find Mercury as the planet associated with this path. Thoth is also associated with Ptah, the creator God, and with the Logos, the Word that begins the process of creation. Also, Saturn is associated with the Emanation of Understanding; on the Pillar of Severity, Mercury, within the conscious mind, is Saturn on a lower arc.
"The Hebrew letter Beth, also associated with this path, is the first letter of the Bible, implying, since it is the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, that a first cause or prime mover exists before the primal act of creation. Beth means 'house,' which suggests form enclosing force, and the twelfth path connects the Crown, the Source of manifestation, with Understanding, the sphere associated with form, so on this path you see, on one level, the first act of creation, which is echoed in all other acts of creation, with the Emanation known as the Crown as the actual Source of all creative acts."
"So whenever we create, we are like Thoth working with the Source."
"In one sense, yes. The transpersonal spiritual source of your being is the catalyst for all effective creation, and the energy of creation is brought down through the planes into the Kingdom through a conscious act of will. Notice that the magician holds up a wand with one hand and points toward the earth with the other, signifying her intention to bring spiritual energy into manifestation. On the table in front of her are the symbols of the four elements, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, which are reflected in the triplicities of the zodiac. In other words, three astrological signs of the zodiac are Earth signs, three are Water signs, three are Air signs, and three are Fire signs, suggesting that, like Thoth, the magus works with the elemental energies within creation."
"So inspiration and emotion and ideas and imagination are all important, right Mr. M? Like when I create music in my heart."
"Yes, and ultimately music manifests on the physical level as a musical score and eventually as a band or orchestra performing the music for an audience. Remember the elemental symbols are also associated with the planes of individual being: the spiritual, mental, astral, and physical levels. The mental and physical planes are planes of form. The spiritual and astral planes are planes of force. Thoth combines force with form in all creative endeavors. A created form without inspiration or emotion is inevitably abortive. Powerful ideas and creations spring from inspiration and emotion. In other words, all planes are involved in effective acts of creation, as suggested by the four elemental symbols on the Magician's altar."
"Why is the act of creation emphasized so much on this path, Mr. M?"
"This path reveals the first cosmic act of creation which continues every second, day or night. In other words, on the macrocosmic level, the Source is always creating. On the microcosmic level, the personal level, we are also always creating, whether we are aware of it or not. We are involved in that first, primal act of creation because we carry it on every second with our inspirations, thoughts, emotions, and actions. The trick is to use the power of the will, the power of intention, to align the spirit with the other levels of being in order to create for the highest good. In that way we become co-creators with the Source. If your head battles with your heart, you're going to experience inner conflicts and difficulties. You must become clear about what you want to create, then align all aspects of your being so that your spirit, intellect, and emotions can form effective creative actions within the realm of the Kingdom."
"What if your actions are effective but they harm people."
"That is where karma comes in. We can create a perfect cathedral or a perfect concentration camp. When I say 'effective action,' I mean action inspired by the higher knowledge that everything is connected, that we are all part of One consciousness. If you harm another person, you harm yourself. If you harm the planet, you harm yourself. It's best to strive for the highest good."
"Is that why the infinity symbol floats above the magician's head?"
"Indeed. The infinity symbol suggests the knowledge of the infinitude within, which includes the recognition that all energy is part of One holy tapestry of life."
Eight of Wands: Mercury in Sagittarius, Mercury in Hod (Splendor)
"Look at those eight wands flying across the sky, Mr. M. Where did they come from?"
"I cannot see who threw them, but they are descending together at the same angle and almost the same rate to the Earth, which, considering the heaviness of the wands, is a masterful feat of coordination. Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, the God of the communication of the spirit with the conscious mind. Together in flight, the wands reveal the proficiency and focus of the mind, a quality of Mercury, but suggests also a mastery and knowing that flows from a place deeper than the conscious mind, recalling the way a Zen master, shooting an arrow in almost total darkness, hits the bulls-eye. Our friends who threw the wands are also feeling the influences of Sagittarius. Sagittarians enjoy exploration because their minds are open to new dimensions of thought. In terms of the Tree of Life, it is no wonder then that the path of Sagittarius lies between the Foundation, the Emanation of the Moon, which is associated with the subconscious mind, and with Beauty, the Emanation of the Sun and the Higher Self. Sagittarius is an archer, and the flight of his arrow suggests the ascent of the mind to higher realms. Mercury also, in his role of the messenger of the Gods, suggests, as I mentioned, the quick and sometimes unexpected intuitions that are communicated to the conscious mind from the spiritual dimensions. The fact that we don't know where the wands are coming from suggests this difficulty in identifying exactly where intuitive knowledge originates--from the personal or the transpersonal, from a God or from a divine dimension of the self."
Three of Cups: Mercury in Cancer, Saturn in Binah (Understanding)
"Wow, Mr. M, those dancers are so graceful!" Claire exclaims.
"Our friends dance before us like the Three Graces, like the Goddesses of splendor and abundance who preside over banquets, dances, and other pleasurable events, and they bring joy and goodwill to both Gods and mortals alike. Like the Muses, they endow artists with the ability to create stunning works of art. Here, we feel the influence of both Cancer and Mercury. We must engage with our emotions as well as with the sympathetic imagination as we experience the arts. The influence of Cancer stimulates the subtle senses and the imagination, which manifests as an abundant inner life. When the mind and heart remain open, a person becomes more psychic, more open to an abundance of spiritual influences as well. The influence of Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, is necessarily linked to harmony and abundance, a state which cannot manifest without a conscious pursuit of the righteousness of beauty, the inspirations for which are often communicated from the depths of the psyche. As your allies lift their golden cups, you can feel the emotional, mental, and spiritual inebriation of the inspired life."
Six of Swords: Mercury in Aquarius, Sun in Tiphareth (Beauty)
"When I look at those people in the boat, Mr. M, I feel a little worried for some reason."
"Don't worry. Our friend is maneuvering the small boat across the water with expertise. Six swords stick up within the boat on both sides of the passengers as if to indicate some kind of danger, but the swords might instead be protecting them. On one side, the water is slightly disturbed by the boatman's efforts to propel the boat forward. On the other side, the water remains still and calm, revealing the boatman's skill and coordination. Through his training and experience the boatman makes the crossing look easy. Our friend has developed the ability to focus, a quality of Mercury, which can help to maintain and protect the most basic form of connection, such as between a parent and child, or lead to new shores for the individual and humanity in general, a quality of Aquarius. Willful, conscious focus is the key to getting from one point to another. The shore is in view, the destination not in the picture, but there is no stress, only evidence of quiet skill and concentration. The boat continues to flow smoothly across the water. The quietness of the scene also hints at an aspect of Mercury's role as the messenger of the Gods. The conscious mind sometimes receives unexpected knowledge or insights from deep in the subconscious mind, where the higher self resides, when the mind is still. The boatman's pole quietly goes deep into the water to push the boat forward again."
Five of Pentacles: Mercury in Taurus, Mars in Geburah (Power)
"Those poor people must be suffering terribly, Mr. M," Claire groans.
"The tragedy is that we allow people to fall into that destitute condition. Ovid, the Roman poet, tells a tale of Mercury and Jupiter disguising themselves as peasants before visiting a town and asking for a place to sleep. Everyone in the town treats the Gods with disdain, except for an impoverished couple who generously extends hospitality beyond their means. After their act of generosity, Mercury and Jupiter end up providing the couple with a comfortable life and destroying the town and everyone in it.
"Despite the god-like qualities and energies within all people as revealed by the Tree of Life, anyone can fall into such a tragic state due to adverse circumstances. Our allies know suffering deep in their bones, yet together they struggle through desperate times, and they pass, as if by chance, under a lovely stained-glass window with five glowing pentacles that suggest the top spheres of the Tree of Life, Emanations associated with the higher self. Each snowflake seems to batter them a little more. They cannot have illusions and survive the grinding condition of poverty, which is a constant state of emergency. Both of them pass by without looking up at the window, as if unable to believe that spirituality is anything more than an illusion, but one of them might still gaze up, as if for a moment open to the possibilities of higher awareness. Their condition starkly reveals the ugliness and horror of poverty, yet for this brief moment, a light shines for them through the window in the storm, suggesting that spiritual enlightenment is always possible, even in the worst conditions--if you don't become consumed by pain and self-pity and remain open. Even though our impoverished friends could not be more humble, there is something heroic about them. The influence of Taurus suggests the potency of the life-force that manifests in their struggle for survival. And they remain together through the worst times. Even if they both ignore the spiritual symbols of higher awareness, in their struggles they have the potential to manifest the virtue of Mars--courage, a quality of the higher self. Mercury is also an influence. Thoth, the God of Magic, is the older, Egyptian version of Mercury. In the myth of Isis and Osiris, Thoth helps to resurrect Osiris so that Horus, the higher self, is eventually born of many trials."
Ten of Pentacles: Mercury in Virgo, Four Elements in Malkuth (The Kingdom)
(Click on a Pentacle Above to Explore "Invertebrate Land.")
"Look, Mr. M, that boy is pulling the dog's tail!" Claire exclaims.
"Yes, and no one in the group seems to notice the old man in a fancy robe or the golden coins, arranged like the Emanations of the Tree of Life, floating above the street. The pentacles, as you recall, symbolize the energies of the elements in balance and by extension the energies of the zodiac and their ruling planets--but only the dogs seem attracted to the old man who has magic sigils on his robe. Perhaps he is only a street performer, full of tricks. Nevertheless, he has an air of magic about him, doesn't he? Did he create an illusion or was the Tree of Life always there? Are we only now seeing it because like him we are paying attention to the ordinary world? Perhaps we have become for a moment like the magician, experiencing the magical energies that manifest in such an orderly way that almost everyone takes them for granted. The street is strange and miraculous and full of abundance and potential, yet no one else seems to notice, except for us and the old man. Like him, we can sense the presence of powerful forces in the everyday world. We don't know if the old man or the Tree of Life has given us this second sight, but as we pass, we can at least wordlessly nod at our friend, hoping that our gratitude is understood."
"And let me just say thank you to you as well, Mr. M." Claire smiles.
All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

Ten of Wands: Saturn in Sagittarius
Nathan was riding through the realm and noticed a man carrying ten wands toward a house far off in the distance. Nathan felt sorry for the worker, who seemed imprisoned by his task. The man at first appeared to be a common laborer struggling with his burden, but then Nathan noticed that even though the laborer could not see far ahead of himself, he was heading straight for his destination and skillfully balancing all ten wands as he lurched ahead with great determination and perseverance. Nathan at that moment sensed a rare kind of heroism in the man. Nathan opened his psychic senses and recognized that the laborer was demonstrating the great strength and discipline associated with Saturn, and the man was also exhibiting dynamic, fiery energies, but Nathan couldn't quite identify the source of his power and vitality.
King of Wands
Impressed, Nathan continued on his journey and came upon the King of Wands. Nathan dismounted and bowed as he approached the King. "I serve thee always, great King, but I have a question."
The King gazed at him. "Yes, my devoted knight. What is your query?"
Nathan responded, "Your Majesty, I just saw a common laborer carrying ten wands--a heavy burden--with great skill and discipline, toward a house in the distance. With his skill, he was able to balance all ten wands, which seemed to imprison him, but he carried on nevertheless with strength and discipline. He seemed heroic as he performed his task. I sensed the influence of Saturn as well as a fiery energy that seemed to be the source of his perseverance. I was hoping, great King, that you might help me identify that fiery source that influences him."
"Many people exhibit heroism in their daily life despite all the obstacles and challenges that might make some feel that life amounts to nothing more than a miserable, meaningless grind," the King responded. "But some people reveal a deep fire within themselves that consistenly reveals a kind of heroism."
"What is that noble fire, your Highness?"
Balancing his wand straight up and down, the King responded, "The Fire of Sagittarius burns deep in the soul and inspires a person to strive for greater balance and harmony and understanding, despite all the mundane tasks and hardships. The element of Fire motivates us to master skills and aspire to greater heights. A common laborer can aspire to heaven, just like you or me or a holy man, but the attainment of that goal requires great discipline and intense focus, which a person can develop while performing difficult or mundane tasks."
Nathan replied, "Yes, your Highness. I couldn't help but think that balancing those ten wands is similar to balancing the energies of the ten holy Emanations of the Tree of Life."
"Similar indeed, on one level at least. Each person, no matter what station he or she has in life, must learn how to balance the energies of the Emanations of the Tree of Life in order to create harmony within their sphere of influence. The mythological principle of the path of Sagittarius is 'The Ascent to Heaven.' The path of Sagittarius is on the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life and is associated with our beloved Archangel Michael, 'Like unto God.'
"Remember also that the mythological principle of Saturn is 'Descent into the Underworld.' In other words, a person must descend deep into the mind to find the purifying Fire within. With that deep inner Fire and the discipline of Saturn, a person can ascend toward the heavenly realms and ultimately even to the Source of all Creation. During the ascent to heaven, you begin in The Kingdom and rise to the ninth Emanation known as The Foundation. Associated with Archangel Michael, ruler of the element of Fire, the path of Sagittarius rises from The Foundation, associated with The Moon and the Holy Ghost--who reveals spiritual principle through symbolism to the psychic inner eye, and then from The Foundation, you can rise to the Emanation of Beauty, associated with The Sun and harmonizing love and sacrifice. From the Emanation of Beauty, you can rise on a path toward the Source and know the underlying unity of all creation.
"Descent into the Underworld and Ascent to Heaven go hand in hand. You must first go deep into the darkest recesses of the mind and cleanse the hidden or suppressed negative energies that are blocking you before you can ascend to heaven."
"I will remember thy powerful elucidation, your Highness, so that I too might someday ascend to the heavenly realms." Nathan bowed, then mounted his horse and rode into the forest.
The World: Saturn
Nathan stopped in a secluded meadow and pulled out the Ten of Wands from his Tarot deck. As he gazed at the card, he remembered that the decan correspondence of the Ten of Wands is Saturn in Sagittarius, so he also separated The World, associated with Saturn, and Temperance, associated with Sagittarius, from the deck. He remembered that the word temperance suggests sacrifice and prudence in pursuit of moderation and balance, so he chose Temperance as the central card and The World as a modifying card.
Temperance: Sagittarius
Then Nathan got ready to create an artificial elemental of Temperance with the Tarot Pentagram Spread.
Active and Passive Invoking Pentagrams
First, since Fire is an active element, he used the Active Invoking Pentagram while laying down the foundation cards, starting in the lower right corner of the pentagram, moving to the upper left corner and continuing from there. After he placed all of the cards, he tapped each card in the direction of the Active Invoking Pentagram, making sure to tap the one in the position of Fire in the lower right corner to complete the pentagram.
Foundation Cards with Temperance
Then he placed Temperance in the middle of the pentagram, saying, "Temperance, Sagittarius, the Ascent to Heaven," and tapped the card.
Modifying Card for Temperance: The World, Saturn
Then, since Sagittarius is a Fire sign, and the Ten of Wands represents Saturn in Sagittarius, Nathan placed The World as a modifier on the Ace of Wands, saying, "The World, Saturn, the Descent into the Underworld," and tapped the card.
Pentagram for Spirit
Then Nathan drew the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram and the spirit wheel in brilliant white above Temperance on the altar, charging the pentagram and the symbol in the usual way with the Sign of the Enterer.
Invoking Pentagram for Fire
After that, he drew an Invoking Pentagram for Fire directly over the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram, charging the pentagram and the symbol of Leo in the usual way. At that point, he imagined the symbol of Leo coming alive as the full-length figure of the Archangel Michael. As Nathan visualized the living image, he imagined that salamanders filled the living image while at the same time tiny points of winged light flowed from his own aura and filled the living image as well. Nathan then stated, "Great Archangel Michael, help me to establish balance and discipline in my life so that I can descend deep into the underworld to find the powerful Fire that will purify me and enable me to ascend the paths to heaven."
Tarot Cards on the Tree of Life
(Click on the Tree of Life Above to Review the LBRP and SIRP.)
Then he ended by saying, "So mote it be!" Before he finished the ritual, he imagined for a few minutes descending to the underworld and finding the Fire that would enable him to ascend to greater heights. Then he finished with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
From that point on, Nathan felt a Fire within that helped him attain greater heights.
All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

The Fool: Air
The temple appears nondescript on the outside, but when Claire steps through the door, she smells incense and notices paintings of gods and angels on the walls. The temple is deeper than she imagined, with ten rooms, each with a different color scheme, and each displaying different archetypal symbols. She wanders into a room that has a blue color scheme, a painting of an opulent king on a brilliant throne, and a table with a pure white tablecloth, on which is set out a golden plate and chalice, with a golden, equal-armed cross floating above them. Claire suddenly feels magnificent, full of harmony and abundance, but then she also begins to develop a sense of superiority and becomes aware of the hints of hypocrisy and gluttony and tyranny in her nature. She moves to the room across from it and discovers a red color scheme, with a painting of a fierce warrior king in a chariot and weapons everywhere, a fire raging in a pit in the center of the room. Suddenly she feels strong, unafraid, full of energy, ready to take on any problem, any foe, but then she becomes overpowered by thoughts of cruelty and destruction. Each room, she discovers, contains a different subtle energy represented by images and symbols, and each subtle energy has a virtue and a vice, a spectrum with a positive and a negative pole. The longer she stays in a room, the more the subtle forces influence her, and the more she understands the need to maintain harmony in her psyche. The key, she realizes, is remaining balanced. Once she has achieved balance in all of the rooms, she finally reaches the inner sanctum, where she is impressed by an overwhelming sense of power and eternity, and she notices a painting of a fool about to step off of a cliff.
Suddenly she understands the Fool: he is either about to fall into the manifested world or into the Abyss. She somehow knows that he is full of the most divine wisdom and the most blinding innocence, for he is the eternal child who experiences all and remains spiritually free. If the Fool is falling toward the manifested world, he is going to know all the contrasts and challenges and beauties of the Kingdom. While there, he will feel separate and fragmented at times but whole and connected to the Source at others. Within the Kingdom he is going to experience the underlying unity of consciousness and to know complete and utter loneliness and terror. He is less than the dust one moment and a king the next. He is a tiny cog in the machine and a hub whose spokes touch the edges of the cosmos. He is the observer, the observed, and the act of observation. He is a beast and a God.
If, on the other hand, he is falling into the Abyss and rises toward the Crown of Creation, he is going to experience the transcendent act of Union, which means that he will retain the human experience but be completely translated into something else.
As she gazes at the painting, her personality vanishes, and she blazes with the subtle light of the dimensions of Universal Consciousness.
All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

Three of Wands: The Sun in Aries, Saturn in Understanding
Nathan had traveled through the Tarot Realm many times, and he had learned to manifest the spiritual forces associated with the Tree of Life. He sensed that it was time for him to move on, but he was not yet ready to become The Fool and plunge into the Abyss to experience Union with the Divine. He realized that first he needed to journey back to the realm that was once his home. So many terrible problems persisted there, and he felt compelled to share the knowledge of the spiritual forces that he had experienced. He knew that by sharing his knowledge he might be treated horribly by some people, but he also knew that he might be a force for positive change in the lives of at least a few people. He got some things together. Then he bade farewell to his horse and began his trek through the forest.
He traveled carefully through the wilderness and finally made it, unharmed, to the other side. He climbed up a small ridge to gaze at the realm that was once his home. Before he continued, he performed a ritual that included the forces of Aries, The Sun, and Saturn. He chose Aries because it corresponds to the beginning of spring, and Nathan always felt a deep sense of rebirth in springtime. The mythological principle associated with Aries is the "Monarch of the Golden Ages"--Nathan was beginning again and ready to take on difficult challenges, but he knew that he might need to feel the inner strength and power of a monarch now and then.
Nathan chose The Sun because it represents the Source of all creation on earth as well as the awakening of the mind and the spirit. He knew that he would often need to draw on the powerful Source of the light in his future challenges.
Saturn had enabled him to build an inner temple with spiritual symbols and archetypes. So often during meditation, Nathan had emptied his mind and experienced 'the descent into the underworld'--the descent into the subconscious mind--where he had envisioned timeless archetypes that represent spiritual principles. In the Tarot Realm, Nathan had developed his spirit vision so that he could often see beyond the physical realm with his third eye--even with his eyes open. He knew that he would need to draw upon the influence of Saturn as he continued building his inner temple, for spiritual principles would help him to deal with any future challenges he might experience.
The Emperor: Aries
Nathan pulled the Three of Wands from his Tarot deck. The man in the card looked like Nathan on the ridge, so much so that Nathan wondered if he was experiencing another synchronicity. As he gazed at the card, he remembered that the decan association of the Three of Wands is The Sun in Aries, and the Tree of Life correspondence is Saturn in Understanding, the third Emanation of the Tree of Life. He chose the Three of Wands as the central card. Then he chose as modifying cards The Emperor, which represents Aries, and The Sun, and The World, which represents Saturn.
The Sun
Then Nathan got ready to create an artificial elemental, also known as a living image, with the Tarot Pentagram Spread.
The World: Saturn
First, since Fire is an active element, he used the Active Invoking Pentagram while laying down the foundation cards, starting in the lower right corner of the pentagram, moving to the upper left corner and continuing from there.
Active and Passive Invoking Pentagrams
After he placed all of the cards, he tapped each card in the direction of the Active Invoking Pentagram, making sure to tap the one in the position of Fire in the lower right corner to complete the pentagram.
Foundation Cards with the Three of Wands
Then he placed the Three of Wands in the middle of the pentagram, saying, "Three of Wands, Lord of Established Strength, The Sun in Aries, Saturn in Understanding" and tapped the card.
Modifying Cards for the Three of Wands
Then, since Aries is a Fire sign, and the Three of Wands represents The Sun in Aries, Nathan placed The Emperor as a modifier on the Ace of Wands. As he was tapping the card, he stated, "The Emperor, Aries, the Monarch of the Golden Ages." After that, he placed The Sun over The Emperor and stated, "The The Sun, the Awakening of the Mind." Then he placed The World on The Sun and stated, "The World, Saturn, the Descent into the Underworld."
Pentagram for Spirit
Then Nathan drew the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram and the spirit wheel in brilliant white above the Three of Wands on the altar, charging the pentagram and the symbol in the usual way with the Sign of the Enterer. Next, he drew an Invoking Pentagram for Fire directly over the Spirit Pentagram, charging the pentagram and the symbol of Leo in the usual way. At that point, he imagined the symbol of Leo becoming the living image of the Three of Wands, and the man came alive as a full-length figure. As Nathan visualized the living image, he imagined that salamanders filled the living image while at the same time tiny points of winged light flowed from his own aura and filled the living image as well.
Invoking Pentagram for Fire
(Click on the Star Above to Review the LBRP and the SIRP.)
After gazing at the three cards for a moment, he stated, "Lord of Established Strength, I ask thee to help me to feel a sense of rebirth and the Fire and strength and power of a king as I deal with future challenges. Help me to awaken my mind so that I feel a strong connection with the spiritual force of The Sun and manifest the selfless sacrifice and harmonizing love associated with the holy Emanation known as Beauty. Help me to continue building my inner temple of archetypes so that I act from spiritual principle as I face the challenges of this realm."
Then he ended by saying, "So mote it be!" Before he finished the ritual, he performed the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
From that point on, Nathan sometimes felt a sense of rebirth as well as greater strength and power. He was home again.
All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.