Mystical Tarot Realms

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The Hierophant: Taurus
Mr. Mellifluous and the Allies of Taurus
"Mr. M, is that man some kind of king?" Claire asks.
"No, he is a Hierophant, a wise spiritual person. In fact, the path of the Hierophant used to be called The Pope. Our friend wears a golden crown with four tiers on his head, suggesting that he is a powerful spiritual being who knows the magnificence of each level of creation. The wand that he holds suggests a tree with four levels, and it too is golden, which reveals the incorruptibility of the spirit. Through sacrifice, his consciousness has moved across the Abyss to the transpersonal Divine Will in the Emanation of Wisdom. He is a bringer of transcendent Wisdom into the realms of manifestation and the physical world, and before him are the keys to the Kingdom."
"This path crosses the great Abyss between Wisdom and Mercy; the path equilibrates the energies of a potent, dynamic, masculine Emanation and the energies of a creative, up-building, organizing Emanation on the Pillar of Mercy, which is essentially a pillar of force. Despite the spectacular energies of the path, our friend manifests harmony and stability and lifts his right hand in blessing. He stands in front of a throne between two columns, suggesting the stability and balance of the pillars of the Tree of Life.
"This path connects the higher self with the higher Spiritual Will. The Hierophant is able to maintain that connection because he pays attention--he is a good listener. Notice the fabric, suggesting ears, which descends from the crown. Notice the four levels of both the golden crown and the wand, suggesting the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical levels of being. The Hierophant hears the sacred voice and brings the Divine Will from the Emanation of Jehovah down the planes into physical manifestation. In fact, the word Hierophant is Greek for 'one who reveals the sacred.'"
"He must be more than just a good listener, Mr. M. I think I'm a good listener, and I can't do that."
"The Hierophant hears the voice of the Divine. He stands in a path of pure life-force, which vivifies his entire being. The red robe suggests the potency of the life-force, as well as compassion. It also evokes the Passion, which suggests that the Hierophant has sacrificed a great deal in order to occupy this position. In fact, in a sense, he has sacrificed the pearl of great price."
"Doesn't that mean that he's sacrificed his soul, Mr M?"
"In the sense of subduing the soul for the highest good, yes. In other words, the Hierophant subdues the higher self, or the evolutionary personality, to allow the Divine Will to take over. Remember that the soul is still an individual unit, even though it is part of the larger evolutionary personality that has developed through many incarnations. The Divine Will is at another frequency on the other side of the Abyss, and it is transpersonal, transcending the concerns of the soul and the personality."
"Taurus is a bull, right, Mr. M? Is Taurus a sacrificial bull?"
"The astrological sign does suggest two things: First, the great potency of the bull, and second, the element of sacrifice. Jupiter, who once took on the form of a bull, is associated with Mercy and therefore has an obvious connection with the path. Ptah, an important creator God in Egyptian mythology, is embodied in the sacred bull, Apis. The intense potency of the life-force vivifying all levels of being, as well as the element of sacrifice to attain a transpersonal level of spiritual wisdom, are both emphasized on this path. The Hierophant is no stranger to either; in fact, he effectively balances the two and anchors his wisdom to the earth. Taurus is, of course, an Earth sign, and the Hebrew letter for this path is Vau, which means 'nail,' three of which you can see at the top of his crown."
"Can a person become a spiritual leader by taking this path, Mr. M?"
"That is a great question that leads me to a very important point. It takes years, in some cases lifetimes, to truly understand and utilize the wisdom contained within the symbol system of the Tree of Life. When walking on a path, you open yourself to its energies, which eventually manifests in one way or another in your life. That can have extremely positive as well as extremely startling and disruptive effects. If you do path-workings in meditation or ritual, remember that you will probably be dealing with very powerful energies associated with them in your life at some point in the future. That absolutely requires you to be purified and dedicated. I cannot emphasize that point enough. You must make sure that you are ready, especially when it comes to the higher paths on the Tree. Are you ready to take on the responsibilities of the Hierophant?"
"Wow, I'm not sure, Mr. M."
"We need to be careful, always, when we are dealing with the energies of the Tree of Life. We are following these paths and talking about them primarily so that you will know what you might be dealing with at some point when you're older."
"Okay, Mr. M, I'll try to be a good listener like him."
Mr. M chuckles. "Thank you, dear child."
Five of Pentacles: Mercury in Taurus, Mars in Geburah (Power)
"Mr. M, I feel so sorry for those people. They must be freezing!" Claire exclaims.
"Yes, our friends know suffering in their very bones, yet they still remain together, struggling through desperate times, passing, as if by chance, under a lovely stained-glass window with five glowing pentacles that resemble the top Emanations of the Tree of Life, which are associated with the higher self and the divine core. Each snowflake seems to batter them a little more. They cannot have illusions and survive the grinding, soul-crushing condition of poverty. The man and woman pass by without looking at the window, as if unable to believe that beauty and spirituality are anything more than mere illusions. Their condition starkly reveals the horror of poverty, yet for this brief moment, the light shines for them through the window in the storm, suggesting that spiritual awareness is always possible, even in the worst conditions--if you remain open and don't become consumed by suffering and self-pity.
"Our friends could not be more humble, yet there is something heroic about them. The influence of Taurus suggests the potency of the life-force, which manifests in their struggle for survival. And their love keeps them together even through the worst times. Even if they both ignore the spiritual symbols of higher awareness, in their struggles they have the potential to manifest the virtue of Mars, courage. But Mercury is also an influence. Thoth, the God of Magic, is the older, Egyptian version of Mercury. In the myth of Isis and Osiris, Thoth helps Isis to resurrect Osiris so that Horus, the higher self on the physical plane, can be conceived, born of many trials."
"I think they are very courageous, Mr. M."
Six of Pentacles: Moon in Taurus, Sun in Tiphareth (Beauty)
"Why does that man hold the scales of justice as he gives the beggar some money, Mr. M?"
"He seems to be holding the scales to determine how deserving the supplicants are, but he is also revealing that by giving we help to maintain balance within the community. This path suggests that it is good to maintain an openness about both giving and receiving. It also recalls the Parable of the Talents, which describes a master who, before leaving his home, entrusts his property to his servants. The servants are each given talents, or money, according to their abilities; money, of course, is a kind of energy. Upon return, the master asks his servants for an accounting. The first two servants explain that they have each doubled the value of the property, so they are each rewarded. The third servant, however, has merely hidden his talent in a hole in the ground, believing that he will be rewarded for simply guarding it, and he is punished for being slothful. The master states, 'For everyone that has, more shall be given, and he will have abundance, but from him who doesn't have, even that which he has will be taken away.' The master is like the life-force with its inherent sense of balance, from which abundance is obtained through a desire for creative development and improvement. Each of us receives spiritual impulses, inspirations that we can manifest down through the planes through the use of imagination, technical knowledge and skill. Those with a strong desire to develop their talents and use their abilities to realize their dreams are rewarded on some level. Those who do not use their talents lose what they already have through lack of initiative. Individual talents, like muscles, atrophy if they are not used."
"Oh, I get it. That's a good story, Mr. M!"
Seven of Pentacles: Saturn in Taurus, Venus in Netzach (Victory)
"Why isn't that man using his talents and his strength to finish his work? He looks like he's lost in a daydream."
"As you know, the pentacles resonate with cosmic harmony. Our friend is pausing to reflect at a moment when all of his hard work is about to come to fruition. He is experiencing the influences of Saturn in Taurus and Venus in Victory as he strives to bring harmony into manifestation, a kind of harmony that might benefit both himself and his community. The presence of Saturn suggests that anyone who wishes to manifest something on the the physical plane must plan and organize and demonstrate the appropriate discipline, expending the mental and physical effort necessary to manifest ideas or realize dreams. The influence of Venus suggests the element of desire, which is essential aspect of motivation, and Taurus suggests the power of the bull, the potency of the life-force. At this stage, our friend's success is only unfulfilled in the sense that the fruits of his labor have not yet had sufficient time to ripen. He has worked hard and done what is necessary for his labor to succeed, and he shows a sense of satisfaction as he rests for a moment. The principle extends to all areas: work, relationships, the arts, spiritual attainment. Desire, planning, organizing, and effort are required in all successful endeavors that benefit the individual and the community."
All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

Five of Pentacles: Mercury in Taurus
As Nathan was riding his horse through town, he noticed a man and a woman slogging barefooted through the snow next to a church. The man was crippled and the woman trudged along in front of him. They didn't seem to see the stained-glass window that revealed the higher Emanations of the Tree of Life. Nathan for a moment imagined being crippled in battle and from that point on being unable to keep up with others he loved.
The Liars
As he rode through town, Nathan found destitute people everywhere. Suddenly a man with a lion's head riding a brown bear appeared, who blared, "People in poverty, too lazy or too irresponsible or too stupid to deal with your own condition! I know a rich master who will guide you, a leader who will show you how to attain the riches you desire! Most people say, 'Do not help the poor because that will just make them more dependent. We will just end up with more and more beggars!' Do not listen to them! My master will guide you. If you listen to him, you too will be wealthy one day!"
Knight of Pentacles
Nathan rode out at sunrise to the fields surrounding the city. Poor people had recently tilled the soil for the wealthy landowner who owned the castle. Nathan pulled out a pentacle and stared at it for a while, feeling the unity of the elements of the natural world, the oneness of Universal Consciousness.
Nathan still felt disturbed by the lies told by the strange man riding the bear. With so few rich people and so many poor people, something had to be wrong with the realm, not with all the people who could barely scrape by. Every time he rode into the city, he witnessed a horrific lack of harmony and order, which angered and frustrated him. Nathan galloped back to town and gave his golden pentacle to the homeless beggars whom he had witnessed struggling barefooted through the snow.
Queen of Pentacles
As he rode into the wild, Nathan came upon a Queen upon her throne, which resembled a large stone. Nathan dismounted from his steed and bowed. "How may I serve thee, my Queen?"
The Queen smiled. "You seem a bit disturbed, valiant knight. Something tells me you have just come from the city."
Nathan responded, "Yes, my Queen, and I saw soul-crushing poverty. I am so glad to be back here in the wild."
"Poverty is a form of cruelty perpetrated by a small group of people who have much more wealth than others. The ultra-rich get away with their barbarity because the allurement of wealth and power has overwhelmed so much of humanity. So many people become obsessed by the thought of accumulating great wealth, despite all the horrific poverty around them. They would rather have money and riches than experience their connection with nature and other people.
"Poverty and the destruction of nature are types of sadism. The wealthy maintain their power, dominance, and control through calculated systems of brutality and exploitation. The rich convince themselves that they deserve their wealth because they are superior to other people. They want us to believe that through the perpetuation of poverty they are teaching others who are inferior to them how to climb out of their destitute condition. To justify their own self-interest, the rich tell all kinds of absurd stories while remaining dedicated to making sure that more and more wealth flows to them at the expense of other people and the natural world. The people they consider inferior to them are usually people of a different ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, political affiliation--people, in other words, who are different from them. Without considering the web of life, the rich also want to believe that all the other creatures are inferior to them because that gives them another reason to plunder the earth."
"I could not agree more, my queen," Nathan responded.
"People survive in poverty and work in soul-crushing jobs that blind them to the paths on the Tree of Life and the dimensions of Universal Consciousness, and the rich continue to exploit labor and resources and sow division so that they can dominate without many people organizing against them, and they can destroy the few who do. The last thing the wealthy want the poor and exploited to do is open their heart. How long would the wealthy be able to continue destroying the planet for their own profit if a large number of people experienced the divinity in nature? How long would the wealthy retain their power if exploited workers and poor people regularly experienced divinity within other people?"
"Probably not long, my queen," Nathan responded.
"You are a courageous knight, but you are from the castle. Are you going to fight the people who own the land or are you going to protect them and their power? You will have to make a choice."
"I would be greatly honored by any assistance that you might provide me, your Highness," Nathan responded.
The Queen commanded, "Look at my golden pentacle, and you will know what to do."
Nathan gazed a long time, how long he wasn't sure, but suddenly he thought he knew exactly what he needed to do. He bowed, "I understand now, my Queen. I will serve thee by first attempting to neutralize the dark forces possessing the greedy people in the castle. If that doesn't work, I will fight the powerful, sadistic people who perpetuate the horrors of poverty."
The Queen smiled, "Valiant knight, you cannot fight a whole army. Let the powers of the magic pentacle affect you. The pentacle would want you to open your heart and help on a spiritual, mental, emotional or physical level. So many people have been forced to close their hearts. Opening your heart will make it easier for others to do the same. You can also fight with others for systemic change in a nonviolent way. What it means to be a knight is that you might be burned down to the ground as a human being and then rise as a spiritual being. Can you do that?"
"I will do my best, your Highness," he responded.
The Magician: Mercury
A holy man at the castle had initiated Nathan into the sacred Mysteries, so Nathan knew many of the symbols associated with the mystical Tree of Life. As he pondered his task, he began to think about his guardian angel, Atriel. He had felt the unmistakable energies of the Archangels and the Angel Atriel in his last ritual, energies unlike any he had experienced before. He felt like a tiny animal compared to the Archangels, and he realized that the love of the Angels was like no other love on earth. Nathan had felt the power of sacrifice as he manifested the Christ-force, and he could feel a powerful sense of new life rising within. He was sure that through his rituals, he could direct the creative energy of the life-force and plant the seeds of abundance for himself and others. He did not need to take on an army all by himself. Instead he could focus on transforming negative systems of belief that perpetuated horrific conditions.
Active and Passive Invoking Pentagrams
So Nathan imagined the beggars and realized, possibly thanks to the magic pentacle, that Mercury was influencing their struggle in some way. Mercury reveals the ideal powers of the creative process on the personal and transpersonal levels, so he knew that Mercury's influence might also be the key to their freedom from poverty. He knew that first he needed to banish the negative influences, so he imagined the two beggars again and performed the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
The Hierophant: Taurus
As he performed the ritual, he suddenly recognized that Taurus was also influencing the situation. Having been initiated into the mysteries, Nathan realized that Taurus the Bull represents the great power of the life-force as well as a path on the Tree of Life that connects the planes of manifestation with divine energies. Linked to the heavenly Emanation known as Wisdom, the path of Taurus in the Tarot reveals The Hierophant, a holy man with the keys to the Kingdom, the physical plane, at his feet. On the path of Taurus, the heavenly energies emanate across the Abyss into the planes of manifestation and return from the dimensions of manifestation into the higher spiritual realms.
Four of Pentacles: The Sun in Capricorn
After Nathan banished the negative influences by performing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, he chose to invoke the Four of Pentacles, the "Lord of Earthly Power," the archetype of a great king, a figure who manifests The Sun in Capricorn in the Tarot card that the holy man at the castle had shown him. According to the holy man, the Lord of Earthly Power is also associated with Jupiter in Mercy (Chesed), the Emanation of magnificence, harmony, and abundance on the Tree of Life. In the Tarot, The Devil represents Capricorn, and the card often confuses the uninitiated, according to the holy man in the castle. The mythological principle of Capricorn is "The Meeting with the Powers of Life," the powers of life being extremely high energies reflected in the Two, Three, and Four of Pentacles as well as in all living beings. Despite all the unbalanced energies and darkness in the world, The Devil spreads all four fingers upright in blessing, revealing that all is known, including the horrors of poverty and the evils of sin. The holy man in the castle had explained to Nathan that the Hebrew letter associated with the Tarot card is "Ayin," which means eye, the third eye that sees beneath appearances and can understand the reasons for the balance of darkness and light in the world. Nathan did not know if there was a reason for all the evil and horror in the world, but he knew that everything on earth contains the power of the life force, and the power of the Sun continues to renew all things. He could only say "yes" to the great powers of balance and life. The Queen's magic pentacle had shown him that he needed to open his heart, so he was ready to invoke the Lord of Earthly Power.
Foundation Cards for the Four of Pentacles
Since Earth is a passive element, Nathan used the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram while laying down the Aces--the foundation cards--starting in the lower left corner of the pentagram, moving to the upper right corner and continuing from there in a continuous motion. After he had placed all of the cards, he tapped each card in the direction of the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram, making sure to tap the one in the lower left corner to complete the pentagram. Nathan then laid down the Four of Pentacles in the middle of the pentagram and stated while tapping the card, "The Four of Pentacles, The Sun in Capricorn." Then he placed the modifiers, The Devil (Capricorn) and The Sun (The Sun), on the Ace of Pentacles in the lower left corner of the pentagram.
Modifiers for the Four of Pentacles: The Devil (Capricorn) and The Sun
As Nathan laid down the card known as The Devil on the Ace of Pentacles, he stated while tapping the card, "The Devil, Capricorn."
As he placed The Sun on The Devil, tapping the card, he stated, "The Sun."
Pentagram for Spirit
Then he drew the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram and the spirit wheel in the air in brilliant white above the Four of Pentacles on the altar, charging the pentagram and the spirit wheel with the Sign of the Enterer. After that, he drew an Invoking Pentagram for Earth directly over the Invoking Spirit Pentagram, charging the pentagram and the symbol of Taurus in the same way.
Pentagram for Earth
(Click on the Star Above to Review the LBRP and the SIRP.)
At that point, he imagined the symbol of the bull turning into the living image of the Lord of Earthly Power a few feet north of his altar and coming alive as a full-length figure. Then he imagined gnomes, brilliant points of light, flowing from the Archangel Auriel and filling the living image of the king while at the same time the bright points of the Earth element flowed from his aura and also filled the living image.
He stated loudly, "I name you Lord of Earthly Power."
Then he said, "I humbly ask thee to help me and the wealthy and the poor to see and know the powers of life and the light of the Sun and the magnificence, harmony, and abundance within all people. After you have completed your task, I humbly ask thee to return to the element of Earth, doing no harm."
"So mote it be!" Nathan imagined the great king helping him and others to know the divinity within all people.
In his imagination, he could see the beggars experiencing the earthly power of the life-force and the magnificence, harmony, and abundance within.
Nine of Pentacles: Venus in Virgo
When he had completed his ritual, Nathan wasn't sure that he had actually helped anyone. He returned to the Queen of Pentacles, who motioned to a woman, who was holding up a hooded falcon next to some pentacles and vines with ripened grapes. "We can all know the great earthly power of the life force within us," The Queen of Pentacles smiled. "Let the wealthy and the poor know the light of the Sun and the magnificence, harmony, and abundance within each person. You have done well, my valiant knight. Please, continue now on your quest."
All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

The Emperor: Aries
Mr. Mellifluous and the Allies of Aries
"Is he an emperor? What does he rule, Mr. M?"
That is the question, isn't it? Notice the molten lava behind the emperor's throne. Even the sky is orange. Even the poppies, which symbolize the birth of spring, suggest that he is surrounded by a world of fire, which is appropriate, since Aries is the Fire sign associated with this path. This is the fire that consumes and purifies so that new life can spring forth, the fiery energy of new growth. This is the fire of the mind, which destroys what is not beneficial in order to create balance. Our emperor friend is a self-actualized individual who has dominion over his own world--and who takes responsibility for everything in it. In a sense, every individual is a kind of emperor, containing the intense Fire of the life-force, whether or not he or she knows it. We each hold our own orb and scepter. What we do with these gifts is our karma, our fate."
"But aren't some people born into terrible situations, Mr. M?"
"No one can deny that it is incredibly difficult at times to extricate oneself from bad circumstances. But the fire of the mind is extremely powerful. It can burn away negative thought patterns and fill positive thought-forms with great force. Notice that this path connects Beauty, the central Emanation on the Tree of Life of harmonizing love and equilibrium, with Wisdom, the transcendent Emanation of pure, intense, dynamic force above the Abyss. The emperor recognizes he is on fire with the life-force and that the life-force is on fire all around him. The Fire from the Source--within his own mind--is what he rules."
"You mean that anyone can be an emperor, Mr. M?"
"Each person is a kind of emperor, but it takes the fire of courage, which is a virtue of Mars, to realize it. Humanity wants to set one person aside, like a pharaoh or a king or a Christ as the archetypal ruler, without recognizing that the archetypal forces exist within each person and for each person, not just within one exalted human being. It takes courage to break away from the herd mentality and take dominion of your own life. Many obstacles may be in the path, but the mind can burn all that away and use the energy of the life-force to take whatever action is needed to overcome them.
"When you feel the life-force flowing into you from the Emanation of Wisdom, you see the fiery play of the life-force all around you and feel a strange sense of eternity and know the transitory nature of all things from a transcendent perspective. That, in one sense, is what the Hebrew letter Heh, which means 'window,' suggests--transcendent sight. But the letter Heh, which is the second and fourth letter of the Tetragrammaton, Yod, Heh, Vau, Heh, the God-name Jehovah, also suggests not only how we perceive but how we create our world on the mental and physical levels, the 'worlds' of form. To simplify a bit, we perceive, we interpret, we create, we remember. Initially, Yod is the spark, the catalyst of creation, on the spiritual level, and Vau is the nail or peg, the force that holds the creation together on the astral level--the Heh in the second and fourth positions of the name relates to the forms of mental and physical perceptions and creations, thought-forms as well as physical forms."
"So, can I ask kind of a personal question?"
"Fire away."
"What did you experience when you first traveled the 'Path of Heh'?"
"I had a vision during a pathworking. The scepter jumped out at me and grew larger and larger. Suddenly I fell into molten lava and every part of me burned away except for the awareness that I am a point of consciousness in a vast, fiery cosmos. Then, using my will, I rose above the lava and saw myself as a white-hot ankh, which very much resembles a scepter."
"That's not all. A few days later, I learned that one way to take the initiation of Osiris is to imagine submerging yourself in molten lava, which is a kind of symbolic death and rebirth. Synchronicities do tend to happen occasionally on the spiritual path.
"On this path, you see a ruler sitting on a throne in a world that appears to be on fire. With his own mind, the emperor creates stability and establishes personal dominion. With the potency and power and courage of Aries on the personal level he creates his own world, working as a co-creator with the Divine Will. Nothing can stop him from realizing his own potential, aligned as it is with the transcendent spiritual will of the Emanation of Wisdom."
Two of Wands: Mars in Aries, Zodiac in Chokmah (Wisdom)
"You say this guy is influenced by Mars and Aries. He doesn't look that intimidating."
"True, he is not intimidating like some great warrior or hero. Though average in appearance, with the globe in one hand and a wand in the other, he has the air of a master. He is experiencing the influences of the second Emanation of the Tree of Life known as Wisdom, which is one key to understanding his power and dominion. Wisdom, containing unimaginable power in equilibrium, is the first state of being emanated from the Source, and Aries the Ram is the first sign in the zodiac, which corresponds to the birth of spring. Mars, like the ram, represents the sheer power and potency of the life-force, but Mars is not just power--Mars also burns away what does not serve the life-force according to the laws of nature and karma. Mars restricts and channels and disciplines power so that it can be used forcefully and creatively and productively. Our friend balances the power of the life-force within himself. He is in complete dominion of his own world. But our friend also looks upon and and draws from the vast potential of creative energies within the cosmos. As a microcosm within the macrocosm, our friend, as an individual, a personal energy field, is a reflection of the cosmos, the Universal Energy Field, and draws upon the energies of the life-force at all levels of being. In other words, he knows the dimensions of Universal Consciousness. Our friend might also be gazing into the distance toward Understanding, the third Emanation within the supernal triad above the Abyss. If Wisdom is the Emanation where the One becomes aware of Itself, Understanding is the Emanation to strongly establish the principle of polarity, what some call duality. Most notably in these two Emanations the feminine principle balances the masculine principle. On the Tree of Life, Understanding is the realm of the celestial Mother, and Wisdom is the realm of the celestial Father. Recognizing the creative possibilities of connection and polarity between himself and the world and anything that is 'other' or 'opposite,' our friend, in dominion of himself, maintains the unobstructed power of the life-force in a sustainable balance within the laws of nature."
"That is a great power to have. Thanks, Mr. M."
Three of Wands: Sun in Aries, Saturn in Binah (Understanding)
"Is that guy on some kind of journey, Mr. M?"
"Yes, our friend, like all of us, is on a journey. As he looks out upon the world, he is seeing the big picture, perhaps even feeling transcendent cosmic forces, but we cannot tell how he is affected because his back is turned to us, his posture suggesting only stability. Our friend is experiencing the energies of the third Sephira, an Emanation that completes the supernal triad comprised of the Source, The Crown of Creation; the masculine principle, or God, the celestial Father; and the feminine principle, or Goddess, the celestial Mother. Even though this triad is transcendent, beyond the Abyss that separates human consciousness from the transpersonal aspects of the Source, this original trinity establishes the basis for the diversity of all that was, all that is, and all that shall ever be within the planes of manifestation, the Many within the One. The third Emanation, as the womb of creation, establishes the celestial Mother, often known as the Goddess, as the creator, preserver, and destroyer. Once spiritual force is restricted by form, death is inevitable, but so is rebirth, and the cycle begins all over again for everything that has ever manifested in our world. Besides the restrictive influence of Saturn, your ally also feels the powerful influences of the Sun and Aries, hence the fiery golden atmosphere. The physical sun is the basis of all life on the planet, and Aries represents the energy of spring. Your ally, standing on a ridge overlooking the sea, remains stable yet open, experiencing the light of the Source and the energies of rebirth within the established cycles of existence."
"Yes, very cool indeed."
Four of Wands: Venus in Aries, Jupiter in Chesed (Mercy)
"What are those people celebrating, Mr. M? Is that a wedding?"
"Four wands stand together with a decorative wreath hanging between them. The perfected work of the harvest has brought prosperity, peace, and harmony. Our friends in the distance are enthusiastically waving bouquets of flowers under the influence of Jupiter in the fourth Emanation, known as Mercy, and Venus in Aries. Venus rules attraction, love, and marriage, as well as harmony in relationships. Venus, placed in a Fire sign, often results in dramatic, exciting and fiery expressions of love, which unfortunately can lead to short-lived, unsatisfactory love affairs. On what some call the 'lower' planes, the emotional and physical dimensions, the influence of Venus often leads to instability. But in terms of the Tree of Life, our friends are experiencing harmonizing love on the spiritual level, combined with the expansiveness and abundance of Jupiter. For our joyful friends, the manifestation of spiritual love--filled with compassion, the Fire of the life-force, and the abundance of both heart and soul--is the perfected work."
All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

Six of Pentacles: Moon in Taurus, Sun in Beauty
Lord of Material Success
As Nathan was riding through the realm, he noticed a knight giving golden coins to beggars. Nathan knew that the knight had been severely wounded in battle a few years before but had slowly recovered. Nathan's heart was touched, but he was confused about why the knight was holding a golden scale in his left hand as if he were measuring the worth of each beggar.
King of Pentacles
Nathan came upon the King of Pentacles near the castle. Nathan dismounted and bowed before the King. "I serve thee always, great King, but I have a question."
The King responded, "Yes, dear knight, what is your query?"
"I just witnessed a courageous knight who was once horribly wounded in battle giving money away to beggars in the street. Why would a vulnerable man do such a thing?"
"In this realm, my dear knight, we can all be brought low by disease or misfortune. As a knight, I am sure you are keenly aware that you can be crippled in battle and become a beggar yourself. Through our misfortunes, we come to understand the meaning of sacrifice, and we develop compassion. We learn that we are all vulnerable. Your fellow knight was performing an act of compassion and personal sacrifice to bring balance to society, not just to the individuals who were begging for assistance. Poverty unfortunately prevails in every realm despite the fact that each one of us contains the divine Tree of Life within us. In other words, Universal Consciousness is reflected and contained in each individual consciousness. We have a duty to feed and shelter and clothe the poor because all life is holy. We are each like the moon that reflects the sun, the source of all physical life. The moon is sometimes full and sometimes dark. You cannot say that one person is better than another just because they have more wealth. Many poor people in truth have greater spiritual understanding because they have experienced the different phases of life, including terrible suffering and misfortune.
"The life-force is constantly in a state of flux but creates and maintains balance. Harmony is achieved on the human level in the physical realm through understanding and compassion, and each individual can be a co-creator with Universal Consciousness to create balance. Unfortunately many people disrupt that harmony because of their own self-interest. Nevertheless, the life-force rewards those who strive for harmony and balance and mastery. I know that as a knight you are striving for mastery, just as an artisan or musician or alchemist or mason strives for mastery. You might not be rewarded with mountains of gold, but through mastery you can attain an inner satisfaction that surpasses the shallow gratification of accumulating piles of wealth. Often other people interfere, but the life-force tends to reward those who make the intention and effort to attain mastery and maintain harmony. Each person has the potential to achieve harmony and mastery, but many are thwarted by poverty, abuse, trauma, betrayal, disease, loss, and conflict. Your fellow knight was showing that we need to carry that compassion for others within us as much as humanly possible in order to create and maintain harmony within ourselves and society."
Foundation Cards with the Hierophant
Nathan thanked the King and rode away to a secluded place in forest where he could perform a ritual. The holy man in the castle had revealed that The High Priestess and the Hierophant are both deeply connected to the Tree of Life and therefore complement each other. The High Priestess, he said, represents the female aspect of the psyche, and the Hierophant represents the male aspect of the psyche, and together they represent a deep connection at both the feminine and masculine levels, in other words, both The Moon and The Sun, with all of the paths of the Tree of Life. They are brought together in the Six of Pentacles, The Moon in Taurus, a card also associated with the Emanation known as Tiphareth, or Beauty, the Christ-center of sacrifice and compassion and harmonizing love.
Modifier for the Six of Pentacles: The High Priestess (The Moon)
Since Earth is a passive element, Nathan used the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram while laying down the foundation cards, the Aces, starting in the lower left corner of the pentagram, moving to the upper right corner and continuing from there. After he placed all of the cards, he tapped each card in the direction of the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram, making sure to tap the one in the lower left corner to complete the pentagram. Then he placed The Hierophant in the middle of the pentagram. Then he laid down the modifier, The High Priestess, on the Ace of Pentacles in the lower left hand corner of the pentagram.
As he placed The High Priestess on the Ace of Pentacles, he said while tapping the card, "The High Priestess, The Moon."
Pentagram for the Element of Earth
Then he drew the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram and the spirit wheel in the air in brilliant white above the Six of Pentacles on the altar, charging the pentagram and the spirit wheel in the usual way with the Sign of the Enterer. After that, he drew an Invoking Pentagram for Earth directly over the Invoking Spirit Pentagram, charging the pentagram and the symbol of Taurus in the usual way. At that point, he imagined the symbol of the bull's head becoming the living image of The Hierophant. Then he imagined gnomes flowing from the Archangel Auriel and filling the living image while at the same time the bright points of the Earth element flowed from his aura and filled the living image as well.
Then he said, "I name you The Hierophant, Taurus, the keeper of wisdom," which is the spiritual principle associated with the card. Then he tapped the modifier and said, "The High Priestess, The Moon, the descent of the divine."
Then he said, "Help my higher self to deal with vulnerability through compassion and to create harmony and balance in myself and the realm."
Then he stated, "Perform this task and return to the element of Earth, doing no harm. So mote it be!"
He imagined for a few minutes the living image of the Six of Pentacles filling him with compassion and the ability to create harmony and balance in his sphere of influence. He, of course, performed the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram before he completed the ritual.
Nathan realized that he felt more compassion for others and vowed to strive for greater harmony and balance in his daily life.
All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.