Mystical Tarot Realms

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Ace of Pentacles: The Element of Earth
Mr. Mellifluous and the Root of the Element of Earth
As Claire flies through the Tarot Realm, she spies Mr. Mellifluous on a path far below and spirals down to meet him. As she greets Mr. M, suddenly she sees a pentacle floating above an archway and what appears to be either a celestial city or a mountain peak rising high into the sky. "Mr. M, I am not sure if I am having a vision right now of a pentacle and a heavenly city floating in the sky or if I am just seeing things. Do you know what is happening? Can you tell me what it means?"
Mr. Mellifluous smiles as he states, "If we continue on this path, we are bound to encounter the Queen of Pentacles. She can explain what it means."
The Queen of Pentacles with Claire
Soon Claire and Mr. M find the Queen of Pentacles sitting with a pentacle in her lap. Claire carefully describes what she saw in the sky for the Queen. "Can you tell me if that was real or if it was only a vision, your Majesty?" she asks politely.
"My dear child, in this realm what you see in a vision can be as real as any physical object. People here have profound visions all the time that reveal spiritual principles from higher realms. That is our way of connecting with the dimensions of Universal Consciousness represented by the awesome symbol system known as the Tree of Life. Think about the pentacle for a moment, child. The pentacle is gold to suggest the incorruptibility of spirit, and its five points signify the subtle elements of Fire, Water, Aether, Air and Water in unity with each other. Aether represents the Source of manifested creation, and the other four elements represent how those subtle elements manifest throughout the cosmos, for Fire, Water, Air, and Earth are associated with the triplicities of the zodiac and their ruling planets. If you touch a pentacle, you can feel the divinity of all creation, and you can know the harmony of the fields upon fields of interrelated energy throughout our realm. Sometimes, there is great darkness here, but we know that darkness and light are part on one harmonious whole. Without darkenss, we would know only the One, not the Many in the One. As the suit of Pentacles reveals, within the manifested world is much suffering, the light of spirit managing to shine through occasionally even in the worst conditions. But there is also magic, which we can see if we open our hearts to the luminous spirit manifesting in ordinary things and events.
"The Ace of Pentacles represents the element of Earth, and it is known as 'the root of the element of form' because it corresponds to Kether, the Crown of Creation, in other words, the Source of Manifestation. The pentagram can be drawn in one continuous motion, suggesting its unity of form, but unlike the circle, which has no beginning or end, one can begin drawing the pentagram at any of its five points, each of which has various symbolic associations. In an elegant way, the pentagram reveals the unity of the states of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, and the fifth element of Spirit, or Aether, reflecting the hidden doctrine that four visible states have their root in a fifth, invisible state.
"Like the circle, the pentagram establishes boundaries. As a five-pointed figure, the pentagram stems from the fifth Sephira, or Emanation, on the Tree of Life known as Geburah (meaning "power" or "severity"). Geburah restricts and controls energy on all levels of being like a machine uses fuel so that the machine will operate. In other words, the severity of Geburah restricts force so that force functions harmoniously within manifestation.
"It is therefore appropriate that the pentagram is a figure representing the most harmonious force in the cosmos, the Christ-force, which balances all the forces of the Tree of Life. The letters of a familiar name of God, also known as the Tetragrammaton, are positioned on the points of the star to reflect this symbolic meaning. The Tetragrammaton contains the Hebrew letters Yod Heh Vau Heh, which spells the unpronounceable name of God, which people pronounce as Yahweh, or Jehovah. Reflecting how manifestation occurs down through the planes of force and form, Yod represents the element of Fire, Heh represents Water, Vau Air, and final Heh Earth, Fire and Air being active planes of force, Water and Earth being passive planes of form. Each of these elements is associated with a suit in the Tarot, Fire with Wands, Water with Cups, Air with Swords, and Earth with Pentacles. To continue the association chain, Fire represents the spiritual plane, Water the mental plane, Air the astral plane, and Earth the physical plane. The Hebrew letter Shin signifies the spiritual Aether, the root of manifestation. When Shin is positioned in the center of the God name Yahweh, a new word is created: Yeheshuah. This is a name of Christ--down through the years it has morphed in our realm into the name 'Jesus.' Shin is positioned at the top of the pentagram to show how the other four elements manifest harmoniously from the root energy. One can draw a star that moves from the most active energies of manifestation to the most passive in one continuous motion, beginning with Aether at the top, moving to the lower right point representing Fire, then to the upper left point representing Air, then over to the upper right point representing Water, then to the lower left point representing Earth, then back to the top. In that way, you experience the unity of all the elements and the harmony of the cosmos."
"Oh, thank you so much, your Majesty! I understand so much better now!" Claire blurts out. Claire is so happy that she flies high into the sky.
Knight of Pentacles with Claire
As Claire flies high above the Tarot Realm, she notices a knight in armor on a black horse below her and flies down to say hello. As she gets closer, Claire sees a golden pentacle in his hand, and she tries to remember what the Queen of Pentacles told her. Claire wings close to the knight to see what might happen. She suddenly realizes that Nathan is inside the suit of armor.
"Hello again. Do you by any chance know the Queen of Pentacles?"
"Why, yes, of course."
"The Queen is very nice. She told me what pentacles mean."
Suddenly Nathan notices Claire. "Claire! Nice to see you again!"
"I think pentacles are lovely," Claire smiled. "Can you tell me why they look like that?"
"Well, a pentacle resembles a gold coin, and, of course, money is an important type of energy, but the pentacle is more important for what it can do. If you gaze at a pentacle long enough, you can fill your imagination with powerful energy so that your thoughts take root in the world and grow, just as seeds do."
"Oh, how magical!" Claire exclaims. "Can I gaze at your pentacle now?"
"Well, I guess so, if you know the Queen," Nathan the Knight replies.
Claire reaches out and touches the pentacle, and she feels engulfed by the light of the sun. Because she likes the Queen of Pentacles very much, Claire imagines that she is also a wise Queen who brings harmony and abundance to her realm. For a moment, Claire turns her gaze toward the tilled field next to her, and she feels like she is planting her thought not in the earth but in the mind of the Source of all Creation. She suddenly knows without a doubt that she will have the qualities of a queen someday. She is so sure that she just lets her thought go, like a seed, feeling grateful about the energies that are manifesting in her life.
Claire with Mushrooms
(Click on a Mushroom to go to the Tarot Realms Store.)
As Claire flies over the forest, she wonders if she can touch a tree or a flower and feel the subtle elements of the life-force. She spirals down to a stream, where she finds some mushrooms growing on the stream bank. She touches one of the mushrooms and feels a great sense of peace flowing from the mushroom and the moss and the stream and the trees as if all life around her is filled with peace beyond understanding.
All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

Four of Cups: The Moon in Cancer
Nathan stopped to rest in the shade under a tree after a long day of protecting and helping the people of the realm. He took several deep breaths to relax his mind and tune to the peace beyond understanding emanating from the tree. Suddenly he had a vision of a hand extending from a cloud that was offering him a golden cup. He had experienced visions before during meditation but never with his eyes wide open. The vision seemed more real than his surroundings. The realm seemed at that moment to be amorphous and in flux, like a cloud, but the golden cup seemed real and eternal. He thought for a moment that he might be crazy, so he mounted his horse and rode toward the sea. He was happy to find Claire with the Queen of Cups. Nathan hadn't seen Claire in awhile, and he could still hear the music in her heart. Claire and the Queen were both staring at a golden cup.
Claire with the Queen of Cups
Nathan bowed. "Your Majesty, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have a question."
Still staring at the cup, the Queen responded, "Yes, dear knight, what is your query?"
"Your Majesty, I just had a vision of a golden cup floating in front of me. My eyes were wide open, but the golden cup seemed more real than the world around me. How can that possibly be? Am I crazy?"
"My courageous knight, you were experiencing spirit vision. You have developed yourself spiritually so that with your third eye you can see the eternal symbols associated with the subtle spiritual realms--even though your physical eyes might be wide open. You have found the Holy Grail, but now you know that it exists in another dimension. The Holy Ghost presents symbols that reveal spiritual principle to those with psychic vision. From the Emanation of The Foundation, the mystic rises toward the Emanation of the Sun, where everything dissolves in light, and from there the mystic rises higher toward the Emanation of the Source, known as The Crown, and experiences the unity of all creation. Throughout the ages, a few people who have purified the mind and heart and soul can see these eternal symbols, and people continue to envision them in parts of the world that are so far away from each other that they seem unconnected. In a way, these symbols are more real than the temporal world because they symbolize eternal spiritual principle. The balanced cross, for instance, has appeared to people as a symbol of harmony and integration in other realms thousands of years before you and I were born. In one realm, the balanced cross might be placed on top of a pyramid to represent the harmony of spirit within the physical world. In another realm, the balanced cross might be placed within a circle to represent the harmony of spirit within eternity. Claire and I were just having a spirit vision of a golden-equal armed cross with Archangels at each end. People with spirit vision have created powerful rituals based on that symbol to help us experience other spiritual dimensions. No doubt the holy man in the castle has shown you those rituals. Perhaps you have already performed them yourself."
"Yes, your Highness, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, and the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram."
"Very good. No doubt the holy man in the castle has guided you through a mental purification process as well."
"Yes, your Highness, I have mentally cleansed the powerful subtle energy centers within my aura."
"Other people with spirit vision have envisioned those powerful subtle centers and know that The Tree of Life is an expanded version of the chakra system. People who perform spiritual practices can develop spirit vision and hear wise voices and experience profound intuitions. They are not crazy, my dear knight, anymore than you are. A few ignorant people might believe that you are crazy, however, because they are mired in negativity or can't see beyond the physical realm into the subtle spiritual realms. The Tarot, as you probably know by now, enables you to develop psychic vision. The Four of Cups, with The Moon in Cancer, is one card created for that purpose."
"Yes, your Majesty, the holy man in the castle has taught me well, which might be why I unexpectedly had the vision of the golden cup floating in front of me while I was resting under the tree."
"A few people have had visions and changed the world with their philosophies while sitting under a tree. Don't forget the lessons the holy man has taught you: meditate and perform your rituals and release the negativity that builds up within the subtle energy field that surrounds your physical body. I am so happy that you are freeing yourself from negativity and are developing your spirit vision, my dear knight."
Nathan bowed again. "Thank you, your Majesty, as always I will heed your sage advice." Then Nathan mounted his horse and rode to a secluded part of the forest where he could perform a ritual with the Tarot card known as The Chariot, associated with Cancer, and The High Priestess, associated with The Moon, both of which are associated with the Four of Cups. The central figure in The Chariot is on a spirit quest, and the High Priestess helps him to connect with all of the subtle energies of the paths of the Tree of Life.
Because Nathan was creating a living image based on the Four of Cups with the Tarot Pentagram Spread, he placed all the foundation cards down on his makeshift altar with the tops facing west on his altar. Since Water is a passive element, Nathan used the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram while laying down the cards, starting in the lower left corner of the pentagram, moving to the upper right corner and continuing from there. After he placed all of the cards, he tapped each card in the direction of the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram, making sure to tap the one in the lower left corner to complete the pentagram.
Foundation Cards with The Chariot
Then he placed The Chariot in the middle of the pentagram, saying, "The Chariot, the Once and Future Monarch." Then he tapped the card.
Modifier for the Four of Cups: The High Priestess (The Moon)
(Click on the Chariot to go to the Tarot Realms Store.)
Then he placed The High Priestess on the Ace of Cups in the upper right hand corner of the pentagram as a modifier. As he placed The High Priestess on the Ace of Cups he stated while tapping the card, "The High Priestess, The Moon, the Descent of the Divine."
Invoking Pentagram for the Element of Water
(Click on the Star to review the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram)
Then Nathan drew the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram and the spirit wheel in the air in brilliant white above The Chariot on the altar, charging the pentagram and the symbol in the usual way with the Sign of the Enterer. After that, he drew an Invoking Pentagram for Water directly over the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram, charging the pentagram and the symbol of Scorpio in the usual way. At that point, he imagined the symbol of the eagle's head becoming the living image of the figure in The Chariot. Then he imagined the figure moving a few feet west of his altar and coming alive as a full-length figure. As he visualized the living image of the Tarot card, he imagined undines flowing from the Archangel Gabriel and filling the living image while at the same time the bright points of Water flowed from his aura and filled the living image as well.
Then he stated, "I name you Once and Future Monarch, who abides eternally and returns continually to this realm with knowledge of the divine and the symbols revealing the dimensions of Universal Consciousness."
Then he said, "From thy holy chariot in the subtle realms, help me to develop my spirit vision as I continue my quest for the highest possible good for myself and others."
Then he commanded, "Perform this task, then return to the element of Water, doing no harm. So mote it be!"
Before he finished the ritual, Nathan imagined for a few minutes the living image of the figure in The Chariot helping him on his quest through the subtle spiritual realms. Then he ended the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
Nathan began to experience more psychic visions of spiritual symbols afterwards, and he could sense that his spirit guide was helping him.
All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

Two of Pentacles: Jupiter in Capricorn

The Lord of Harmonious Change
Claire and Mr. M find their way to the docks, where a juggler is performing on a stage. The street performer is dancing while juggling two golden pentacles within a green strip of ribbon that resembles the infinity symbol, a horizontal figure-eight.
The Devil: Capricorn
Claire watches with rapt attention, and, as ships go up and down, balancing on waves behind the juggler, life feels like an eternal dance. Mesmerized, Claire stares at the performer, feeling the harmony of the life forces. Suddenly she is standing in front of the Devil, who is perched on a block that chains a man and woman to his throne. The Devil holds up his right hand in blessing and states, "The fortunes of humanity constantly change. One moment you can be king, the next lower than the dust. The key is dancing through the changes with rhythm and balance.
"Connected to powerful life forces, like an eternal child, through your higher self you can handle the harshest conditions and the most tragic events. Though deeply affected and even damaged by them, you can eventually let go of the negativity and continue dancing. You do not have to be a king to have a spirit that maintains balance: you can be a humble worker or a simple juggler.
​The Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter
"This is the wisdom of the sphinx on the Wheel of Fortune that continually turns in the eternal process of transformation and regeneration. In this state of understanding, the elements within you remain integrated and golden, harmonious and incorruptible. You thrill to the life-forces as you revel in the dance. No matter your status or condition, you are a magnificent spiritual being who can maintain harmony and balance and inner rhythm and live with sympathy and love. People without understanding see me as evil, but I too am a sphinx, not a devil. You can only see me for what I am if you use your inner eye. I am Capricorn, God of the life-forces who manifests the potent energies of the elements, like the Greek God Pan or the Egyptian God Min. People choose either to manifest the forces in a positive, balanced way, or in a negative, unbalanced way. Most of the time, you can remove your chains and escape from the negative aspects of the forces or you can neutralize them--if you exercise your will."
​Three of Cups with Claire
(Click on the cups to go to the Tarot Realms Store)
Claire returns to the festival. She feels a bit hungry and hopes that maybe someone below might share some food. As she slowly spirals to the ground, she notices the women raising golden cups as they dance gracefully together to some lively music. When Claire reaches the ground, she stands still, mesmerized by the lovely dance.
One of the women notices her. "Would you like to celebrate with us, child? Before you join us in the dance, however, you absolutely must partake of the feast!" One of the women hands her grapes, another a pear, and the third an apple. Claire smiles as she savors the delicious fruit and observes the dance steps. Suddenly, as she realizes that all of her senses are engaged, she feels one with the music. She drinks from a golden cup and joins the women in the dance.
Claire becomes more and more caught up in the spell as night falls. She feels that the planet and the solar system are one with her in the dance. The entire cosmos feels like energy in a continuous, harmonious dance. She glances up at the stars and feels that even though she is tiny in comparison, she can be a magnificent and loving point of consciousness in the community of all life.
All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

Ten of Cups: Mars in Pisces
While Nathan was meditating in the morning, he suddenly envisioned a golden cup and plate and a golden crown on a brilliant white tablecloth. Above the table, a golden balanced cross hovered. Then he envisioned a sun above his head that illuminated a full moon rising at the edge of the table as though at the horizon. Amazed by the vision and the powerful subtle forces that he was feeling, Nathan opened his eyes, and the vision disappeared. He closed his eyes again, hoping the vision was still there, but the vision had vanished completely. Disappointed, Nathan got ready for another day. As he rode out into the Tarot Realm, he encountered a happy family near a rainbow. The father tenderly caressed the mother as both held up one hand as though greeting Claire as she flew under the rainbow--or taking in the positive energies emanating from the rainbow while their children danced nearby. When he gazed at the rainbow more carefully, Nathan noticed that it was unlike any rainbow he had seen before. Ten golden cups floated in only three colors, red, blue, and yellow. Nathan suddenly wondered if he was having another vision, this time with his eyes wide open. The energies in the scene felt similar to the energies he had experienced during the vision but somehow different, and he wasn't sure why, so he rode down to the beach, hoping to find the King or Queen of Cups.
Eventually Nathan found the Queen of Cups. Nathan dismounted from his horse and bowed. "Your Majesty, I am so happy to see you, for I have a question."
The Queen responded, "Yes, my friend, what is your query?"
Nathan described his vision during meditation and the happy family under the strange rainbow. "Your Majesty, I don't know why, but the subtle forces felt very similar, but different in some way. Can you help me understand what it all means?"
"Yes, my valiant knight, in our realm, we experience synchronicities all the time, so we are all well-aware that events are connected by meaning, not just by causation. Many of us in this realm have a deep subconscious connection with the spirit realm, so no one here is stigmatized for having spirit visions or experiencing synchronicities. I know you found your way here through the wilderness from another realm where anyone who admits to having a spirit vision or experiencing a synchronicity is considered a lunatic. Most people in the realm that you come from don't meditate and perform rituals or purify their hearts and minds regularly and therefore do not have much of a connection with the spirit realm."
"You're right, your Highness. Most people in that realm would have thrown me in the looney bin if I had told them even a little of what I just told you. But your Majesty, I was hoping that you could help me understand the vision and what seems like a synchronicity."
"Of course, my inquisitive knight. Let us start with the vision. What do you think the golden crown stands for?"
Nathan thought for a moment, then replied, "Magnificence."
"What about the golden plate and chalice?"
Again Nathan paused for a moment. "Abundance!"
"What about the golden, equal-armed cross?"
"Harmony!" Nathan blurted out.
"Now, what do the sun and moon in your vision mean to you?" the Queen asked.
"Well, your Highness, during the vision, I felt like the moon symbolized the soul illuminated by the sun. I associate the sun with the Source of all life in this realm and therefore in my vision The Sun seemed to suggest my personal connection with Universal Consciousness."
"So, what do you think it all means?"
Nathan pondered for a moment. "I think it means this: the harmony, abundance, and magnificence within the human soul that we experience through our connection with Universal Consciousness."
"Well done, my brave knight! Now let us discuss the happy family and the strange rainbow that you encountered as you rode through the Tarot Realm. I believe that the happy family was sharing a spirit vision with you. In other words, you were all tuned in to the same vision. The three colors of the rainbow suggest the elements of Fire, Air, and Water, and their environment represents the element of earth where the other three elements manifest. Can you think of any symbol in your early morning vision that represents the four elements in balance with each other?"
Nathan thought for a moment. "Why, yes, of course, your Highness: the golden balanced cross!"
"Does anything suggest the family's abundance?" the Queen asked.
"Why, yes, your Highness," Nathan responded. "They live in a small cottage, not a castle, but their happiness and love reveal their spiritual abundance."
"Why do you think there were ten golden cups in the rainbow?"
"Well, your Majesty, gold represents the incorruptibility of spirit, and the ten cups suggest the ten holy Emanations of the Tree of Life. I think the ten golden cups suggest their experience with the forces and principles associated with the Tree of Life that manifest in our realm."
"Does anything suggest their magnificence?" the Queen asked.
"Why, yes, indeed. They are not royalty, but their knowledge and experience of the forces of the Tree of Life and the elements, and their love and affection for each other and the spiritual harmony and abundance that they manifest in their lives suggest their magnificence as human beings," Nathan responded.
"Very insightful, my brave, young knight. In the Tarot Realm, many people experience the subtle forces behind events. Let us talk for a moment about the possible differences between your vision during meditation and the synchronicity that you experienced in the physical realm. What subtle forces did you feel during your synchronicity?"
"That, I think, might be the difference between the two!" Nathan exclaimed. Then he pondered for awhile. "The subtle forces in my synchronicity seemed incongruous with the love and happiness of the family." Suddenly Nathan blurted out, "I think the subtle influences were Mars in Pisces, but I don't understand how that could be so."
"Let us consider that question for a moment. As a knight you experience Mars as a God of war and power and strength and courage and discipline and justice. The lightning bolt of Mars also illuminates. His divine, holy Fire purifies the heart and mind."
"Yes, I see now, your Majesty. His divine, holy Fire illuminates and purifies so that we can know the forces of the Tree of Life and Universal Consciousness, the Source of all Creation. That divine, holy Fire, I see now, is one source for their happiness, but what about Pisces, your Highness?"
"Aw, yes, Pisces, the realm of the Moon. Many things are mysterious and hidden in that realm. Our instincts, for instance, reside in the subconscious. We are rarely aware of how they motivate us. The Moon is illuminated by the Sun. The forces of the Moon have great power over our instincts, so much so that some people in this realm howl at the Moon like lunatics, but the light of the Sun draws our soul to it so that we can know the power of selfless sacrifice and harmonizing love."
Nathan responded, "I see. So their happiness is also linked to the power of selfless sacrifice and harmonizing love. They do not act from the baser aspects of the instincts, but in a way that creates harmony and enables them to experience love and affection for each other in a divinely caring and responsible way. I guess my vision and my synchronicty were not so different after all."
"Indeed. Not so different after all," The Queen smiled.
Nathan bowed and said, "Thank you, your Majesty. I serve thee always." Nathan mounted his horse and rode to a secluded place where he could perform a ritual.
The Tower: Mars
Nathan found a Tarot card very similar to what he had witnessed when he had encountered the happy family: the Ten of Cups. The decan association of the card, he remembered, is Mars in Pisces. Nathan understood the Fire and lightning of Mars in a different way after his talk with the Queen, and he understood the mystery of the Moon and Pisces and the harmonizing effect of the Sun a little better now as well.
The Moon: Pisces
Because Nathan was creating a living image based on the Ten of Cups with the Tarot Pentagram Spread, he placed all the foundation cards down on his makeshift altar with the tops facing west on his altar.
The Passive and Active Invoking Pentagrams
Since Water is a passive element, Nathan used the Passive Invoking Pentagram while laying down the cards, starting in the lower left corner of the pentagram, moving to the upper right corner and continuing from there. After he placed all of the cards, he tapped each card in the direction of the Passive Invoking Pentagram, making sure to tap the one in the lower left corner to complete the pentagram.
Foundation Cards with The Ten of Cups
Then he placed the Ten of Cups in the middle of the pentagram, saying, "The Ten of Cups, Mars in Pisces."
Modifiers for the Ten of Cups: The Moon
(Click on the Star above to Review the LBRP and the SIRP.)
Then he placed The Moon on the Ace of Cups in the upper right hand corner of the pentagram as a modifier. As he placed The Moon on the Ace of Cups, he stated while tapping the card, "The Moon, Pisces, the Emergence from Water." Then he placed The Tower on The Moon and said, "The Tower, Mars, The War at the World's End," which he interpreted as internal and external struggles between balanced and unbalanced forces until the end of time, and tapped the card.
Invoking Spirit Pentagram
(Click on the Star to go to the Tarot Realms Store Page.)​
Then Nathan drew the Passive Invoking Pentagram and the spirit wheel in the air in brilliant white above the Ten of Cups on the altar, charging the pentagram and the symbol in the usual way with the Sign of the Enterer.
Invoking Pentagram for the Element of Water
(Click on the Star above to Explore Scamland.)
After that, he drew an Invoking Pentagram for Water directly over the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram, charging the pentagram and the symbol of the eagle, associated with Scorpio, in the usual way. At that point, he imagined the symbol of the eagle's head turning into the living image of the Mother and Father and rainbow in The Ten of cups. Then he imagined the figures moving a few feet west of his altar and coming alive as full-length figures. As he visualized the living images of the Tarot card, he imagined undines flowing from the Archangel Gabriel and filling the living image while at the same time the bright points of Water flowed from his aura and filled the living image as well.
Then he stated, "I name you Lord of Perfected Success, Ten of Cups, Mars in Pisces."
Then he said, "Lord of Perfected Success, cleanse me, purify me, illuminate me so that I internalize the principles of self-sacrifice and harmonizing love and manifest the untainted energies of the four Elements and the ideal forces of the holy Emanations of the Tree of Life and maintain a strong subconscious connection with Universal Consciousness for the highest possible good of myself and others."
Then he humbly stated, "Perform this task, then return to the element of Water, doing no harm. So mote it be!"
Before he finished the ritual, Nathan imagined for a few minutes the living images of the figure in The Ten of Cups purifying him with water so that he could manifest the ideal spiritual principles associated with the elements and the Emanations of the Tree of life and feel one with Universal Consciousness. Then he ended the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
Nathan began to understand sacrifice and harmonizing love and feel one with all life during his great challenges afterwards, and he knew that his new allies were guiding him.
All stories, illustrations, and music Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.