Mystical Tarot Realms

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A Knight Caught in Flowers
Baby Blue Eyes
One day, Nathan stumbled into the branches of a redbud tree. He felt like the branches were clinging to him. Then Nathan strolled near baby blue eye flowers on a path near the castle.
Caught in the Flowers
He began to feel like the baby blue eyes were attaching themselves to his armor. "I must be dreaming," he muttered.

I'm a conundrum wrapped in an enigma who explores Universal Consciousness through the Tree of Life and the Tarot and the natural world. I am also a writer, composer, musician, and artist. Please take a moment to walk on a path in the Tarot Realms.


Poppies on the Hillsides
Then Nathan was strolling through some poppies near the castle.
Nathan in the Poppies
He could have sworn that the poppies were plastering themselves to his armor.

Goldfields and Baby Blue Eyes
Soon Nathan found some goldfields and baby blue eyes together.

Gold and Blue Flowers Attached to His Armor
He thought to himself, "Wherever I go, the flowers decorate my armor."

Armies: Poppies and Lupine
Then Nathan came upon what looked like two armies battling each other: poppies versus lupine.

Nathan the Knight in the Lupine and Poppies
He sat down on a rock in the middle of the battle. "I don't understand this," he thought to himself. "This looks like a battle, yet it feels so peaceful here."

Blue Faery in the Stream
Then Nathan hiked beside a stream where bush lupine was blooming profusely. A blue butterfly fairy surprised him.

Ithuriel's Spears and Fiesta Flowers
"Silly, you have flowers in your heart, so the flowers are part of you," the faery laughed. "Since you have flowers in your heart, you might soon begin to feel one with all of creation."

Caught by Lavender Flowers
Nathan suddenly felt one with the flowers.

Wind Poppies and Fiesta Flowers
Then Nathan stumbled into a faery land of wind poppies and fiesta flowers.

Nathan the Knight in the Purple and Orange Flowers
He felt one with the purple and orange flowers too.

Bush Lupine near Lake
Then Nathan strolled near a lake. Bush lupine was flourishing everywhere.

Nathan in Bush Lupine by the Lake
"How can such tranquility exist here when the world is so full of conflict?" he wondered out loud.

Gnome with Tiger Lilies
Nathan climbed higher into the mountains and found tiger lilies.

Nathan with Tiger Lilies
Nathan discovered that he did indeed have flowers in his heart and that he felt one with the stream and the other creatures of the earth. "If I am dreaming, this is a good dream," he thought to himself. Nathan from that point on realized that he had flowers in his heart wherever he went.
All stories, illustrations, and music copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

The Empress: Venus, Goddess of Love
The Empress and the Flower Faeries

Wheat Faery
Nathan was riding through the Tarot Realm and thought he had a vision of the Goddess Venus holding up a golden scepter in a wheatfield, which struck him as strange since it was springtime. Nathan closed his eyes and shook his head, thinking that he might be seeing things, but when he opened his eyes again, he saw a faery strolling through pink flowers in the wheatfield toward the Goddess of Love.

Poppies on the Hillside
Nathan galloped away and soon came upon a hillside blanketed by poppies. "Only in the Tarot Realm," he muttered. He had never seen so many poppies before.

Poppy Faery
Then he encountered a faery in the poppies. He closed his eyes and shook his head and galloped away.

Baby Blue Eyes
Then Nathan found a pristine spot rug of baby blue eyes and felt a presence. "I bet I'm about to see another faery," he thought out loud.

Baby Blue Eye Faery
He closed his eyes, and when he opened them, sure enough, he could see a faery covered with baby blue eyes.

Lupine on the Hillside
Nathan continued riding his horse on the trail near the river and soon came upon a hillside blanketed by ground lupine. "Yeah, okay, I bet I'm about to see another faery," he muttered.

Lupine Faery
Sure enough, he saw a faery sitting in the flowers. "What is this? Is there a different faery for every species of flower?" he asked out loud, but the faery didn't answer him.

Owl's Clover
He rode on through the foothills and saw a hillside topped by pink owl's clover, something he had never witnessed before. "Wow, I'm sure glad I'm in the Tarot Realm," he declared in astonishment.

Owl's Clover Faery
Then Nathan witnessed something else he had also never seen before: strange pink owl's flying around a faery who was resting in the owl's clover.

Ithuriel's Spears and White-tipped Lupine
"Why, this is something new as well," Nathan muttered. "I've never seen Ithuriel's Spears growing with white-tipped lupine before."

Lavender Faery
Suddenly Nathan heard the voice of his mentor, the gnome called Mr. Mellifluous. "Nature is always different from one year to another. Every year you will find something unexpected.”

Indian Pinks
Nathan smiled. "Aw, my friend, Mr. Mellifluous. So glad to see you again! I am seeing a faery in the Indian Pinks. Perhaps you can tell me why I am seeing faeries in the flowers wherever I go!"

Indian Pink Faery
"You are sensing the presence of nature spirits, and your mind naturally personifies them as faeries. This is a good sign, my friend. You are becoming more in tune with the spiritual forces within the natural world. The Tarot Realm is having a positive effect on you."

Tiger Lily Faery
Nathan closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he saw a tiger lily faery. "In the realm where I came from, I'm sure thoughtless, greedy people would have already despoiled this meadow and driven away the nature spirits. I'm so glad to be here in the Tarot Realm!" He smiled as he headed back down the trail to the castle.
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All stories, illustrations, and music copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

Baby Blue Eyes, Fiddleneck, and Popcorn around a Dead Lupine Bush
Nathan Returns to the River Gorge

Baby Blue Eye Faery
Nathan thought about returning to his homeland as he was falling asleep, and in his mind he hiked down a path into the river gorge where once he had found baby blue eye flowers growing around a dead lupine bush. Suddenly a faery appeared in the baby blue eye flowers. Nathan remembered that people were trying to build a dam that would bury the entire gorge under hundreds of feet of water. He was afraid for the faery and all the other creatures of the gorge.

Bush Lupine and Ground Lupine
Nathan kept hiking along the trail and encountered lupine bushes, one with light blue blossoms and one with purple blossoms.

Lupine Faery
Then he encountered a faery in the lupine bushes. She seemed a little sad and perhaps even a little afraid.

Purple Flower in the Gorge
Then Nathan found a large purple flower along the path. He tried to remember its name but couldn’t for some reason.

Hyacinth Faery
Then a faery appeared in the flowers, and Nathan remembered that the purple flower had different names, such as brodiaea and blue dick and wild hyacinth.

Red Maids by the Trail
Nathan continued hiking into the gorge. He loved breathing the fresh air and finding all of his favorite flowers again, like the red maids he was suddenly gazing at.

Red Maid Faery
Then Nathan found a faery in the grass wearing red maid flowers. Nathan tried to get her attention, but she pretended not to notice him.

Trail Next to the River
Popcorn flowers and fiddleneck and baby blue eyes blanketed the slopes next to the trail. Nathan suddenly felt afraid that a dam would drown all of the flowers if he didn’t return home.

Faery near the Trail
Then Nathan encountered a faery in poppies and baby blue eye flowers, or were they blue and orange butterflies fluttering around her? “Are you afraid for your homeland?” Nathan asked her, but she didn’t respond. She just looked at him with sad blue eyes.

Sierra Nevada Blue
Nathan looked carefully and noticed that some of the blue flowers were actually blue butterflies. He remembered that in his homeland a friend had told him that butterflies were once everywhere in springtime, but now most of them were gone.

Blue Butterfly Faery
As soon as Nathan remembered what his friend had said, a blue butterfly faery appeared. She looked like she was about to flutter away. “Don’t go away forever,” Nathan pleaded. The faery looked straight at him and seemed to say, “You must return to your homeland now. You must return home now. ”

Bush Lupine and Fiddleneck by Trail
Nathan gazed down and could see the river winding through the gorge in the distance. Suddenly, he woke up. Confused for a moment, he remembered that he and his friends had fought against the dam and had won. He breathed a sigh of relief. All of the creatures in the gorge were safe for now, at least for a while, but so many places were still in danger. Perhaps it was time for him to return home.
All stories, illustrations, and music copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

Path of the Shaman

As Nathan was hiking through the forest, he encountered a shaman, who asked, "Are you enjoying the flowers?"
"Yeah, I love lupine and poppies," Nathan responded.
"Then you will love this path," the shaman replied. "And here is a great oak. It's branches are like streams that join with a mighty river."
"A river deeply rooted in the earth," Nathan replied.
Rabbit by Stream
Nathan and the shaman walked together for a while. Suddenly they both saw a rabbit next to a stream. The shaman asked, "If you were to have a power animal, what would it be? Rabbits can be so still that they seem like stone, then they scatter off in all directions to confuse predators. They are survivors, a good quality to have in this world."
Lupine and Poppies
Nathan looked a little confused. The shaman continued, "Some might consider rabbits cowardly, but they manage to survive in a world full of predators. Each species has an overarching spirit, what you might consider something like an angelic soul. You can connect with the overarching spirit and take on the best qualities of each species, whether it's an animal such as this rabbit or a plant."
Nathan responded, "Even a plant?"
"Consider the lupine and poppies," The shaman replied. "Poppies can sweep over entire mountainsides like fire, but lupine is like the wolf. Lupine can take over an area as well. Sometimes lupine and poppies seem to clash like armies, but if you are still, you can feel a deep tranquillity as you stand among the flowers. You can feel a unity underlying what might appear to be conflict."
"You mean that we can connect with the angelic spirit of each species of flower?" Nathan asked.
"Yes, and you can feel the power of each species as well as the underlying unity that exists in the spiritual dimension."
Frog by Stream
Suddenly they came upon a frog by the stream. Nathan blurted out, "I love when I find a frog. It reveals that the ecosystem has not been disturbed very much by people."
"Yes, and when that happens, " the shaman replied, "you can connect with the ecosystem, with the overarching spirit of place."
"Yes, I have often experienced the overarching spirit of place. Each creature sometimes seems like a facet of its consciousness. Then sometimes each creature seems like a facet of Universal Consciousness, as if a unity underlies the entire cosmos."
Bobcat by Stream
Suddenly they came upon a bobcat, which quietly skulked away. "Nature is red in tooth and claw," the shaman stated. "But once you feel the underlying unity, you know that each life, short or long, is an opportunity to experience a facet of Universal Consciousness."
Native American Village Site
Nathan and the shaman came upon an abandoned Native American village site. The house pits were blooming with fiddleneck and popcorn flowers. "My culture existed here for thousands of years. Each culture passes. One culture supplants another, just as one species supplants another. We often feel that death and change are horrible, but these changes occur within the unity underlying all consciousness."
Butterfly by Stream
Suddenly they saw a blue butterfly by the stream. The shaman continued, "Sometimes we even encounter creatures that reveal the beauty of the transformations that we experience."
A lizard suddenly appeared next to the stream. Nathan replied, "It is good to stay close to the earth like this lizard."
A coyote appeared next to the stream. The shaman continued, "It is good to know all of the creatures of the earth, for through them we know the power and unity of all consciousness."
Snake by Stream
A snake appeared next to the stream. "In the religion I grew up with, a snake was responsible for the fall of humanity, but now I feel joyful whenever I see a snake, for I know that I am in a place undisturbed by people, and I feel closer to the earth."
Then they encountered a raven. "We can also fly high and experience the earth and Universal Consciousness," the shaman smiled.
Bald Eagle
Then they came upon a bald eagle by the stream. "And we can experience our life from the perspective of eternity," Nathan responded.
Mountain Lion
Then they encountered a mountain lion. The shaman continued, "The mountain lion is a great power animal, but we must be careful in its presence. I could feel its presence a long time ago. We must honor it and respect its territory. Back away slowly, my friend."
"Yes, and I always feel the presence of the hawk. Perhaps it is my power animal?" Nathan wondered out loud. The shaman smiled and nodded.
Click on the Brown Bear to take a Different Path
Suddenly a brown bear crashed through the woods near the path but ignored them both. "Sometimes we encounter a great power animal, and we get lucky if it just ignores us," the shaman laughed.

All stories, illustrations, and music copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.